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Any Messianics? What do you use for history???

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I know there are some of you on here :D What do you use for history? i know about HOW & Eagle's Wings, I mean beyond Bible times? We used MOH last year, but as I look at Vol. 2, I'm not sure it's going to work. I've just skimmed through the first few lessons, but I'm not sure about it. Like the Constantine lesson that talks about his "conversion" and how kind he was to Christians and stopping the persecution. It just didn't sit right with me. (since he actually forced a split between the early church and our hebrew roots by offering relief to those who stopped keeping Sabbath, ect. He syncronized Christianity with the pagan culture of the time in a political move, not a religious conversion) Anyway, I'm not trying to cause a debate with people of other faiths, I just want to know how other Messianics handle this and what you use. We do need to do history! I just researched Jewish stuff, but I want a world history, not just specifically jewish. We do need to learn church history, I'm just concerned how much of a slant is on it.

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Thanks for the input/comiserating/bumps :)


So, I'm throwing out MOH. (Ok, not throwing it out. Anyone want to buy a brand new Vol. 2?) I'm really happy to have made a decision! Now I just need something to replace it with! :lol: I found this site: http://www.aish.com/jl/h/48930047.html And it looks pretty awesome. A bit of an anti-Christian slant, but a good springboard to work around. So for now I think I'm just going to do a timeline/overview of the entirety of world history this year and search and search and firgure out something for next year. I'm always open to suggestions if anyone finds something they love! (or at least something they can work with!)

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Hey there-


Just saw your thread and wanted to let you know you're not alone in the boat :) We're Messianic (but not Jewish :) I've used lots of curricula for history, Story of the World, Sonlight, MOH, and this year, TOG. I have to say I don't look for products with a Messianic point of view but rather incorporate our worldview into whatever we're using.


If you'd like to discuss this further, please feel free to email!


By His Grace,



2 Corinthians 12:9: "Sufficient for you is the grace of Me."


What an incredible promise!

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I know there are some of you on here :D What do you use for history? i know about HOW & Eagle's Wings, I mean beyond Bible times? We used MOH last year, but as I look at Vol. 2, I'm not sure it's going to work. I've just skimmed through the first few lessons, but I'm not sure about it. Like the Constantine lesson that talks about his "conversion" and how kind he was to Christians and stopping the persecution. It just didn't sit right with me. (since he actually forced a split between the early church and our hebrew roots by offering relief to those who stopped keeping Sabbath, ect. He syncronized Christianity with the pagan culture of the time in a political move, not a religious conversion) Anyway, I'm not trying to cause a debate with people of other faiths, I just want to know how other Messianics handle this and what you use. We do need to do history! I just researched Jewish stuff, but I want a world history, not just specifically jewish. We do need to learn church history, I'm just concerned how much of a slant is on it.


I won't debate. I just have to note the inaccuracy of the remarks about St. Constantine. It's hard to read historical distortions and not speak. Again, though, I won't carry this any further. Posting this peaceably.

Edited by Orthodox6
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Hey there-


Just saw your thread and wanted to let you know you're not alone in the boat :) We're Messianic (but not Jewish :) I've used lots of curricula for history, Story of the World, Sonlight, MOH, and this year, TOG. I have to say I don't look for products with a Messianic point of view but rather incorporate our worldview into whatever we're using.


If you'd like to discuss this further, please feel free to email!


By His Grace,



2 Corinthians 12:9: "Sufficient for you is the grace of Me."


What an incredible promise!


Emailed you!

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