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Here's my very, very chatty 1st grader's report on Pinnochio


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She was itching to read Pinocchio, and spent 30 minutes telling me every detail of the first half of the book! I'm not exaggerating -30 whole minutes non stop! :blink: We never got to the second half.


So, I asked her the next day to write about it during handwriting. Ummm.. let's just say she's not as fond of writing as talking. It got condensed just a tad. (I had to remind her to write the complete title correctly and not just call it Pinocchio.) She usually just does 2 or three sentences a day, so I wasn't expecting a lot. I just had to laugh because of the extreme difference in the print and oral re-tellings.




Note-I see now there was a recent thread on this very topic. Wendy, count my 1st grader as one of those not quite ready for lengthy writing assignments too.:001_smile:



Edited by Blessedfamily
Spelling -Yikes!
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Just how long are "narrations" supposed to be? Certainly not half an hour??? Not to be discouraging, but what do you do with a real "talker"? :001_huh:


I just listen. He gets it from his dad. There's a joke at church about how the Methodists are going to beat everybody to the restaurant if he's preaching :tongue_smilie:

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I just listen. He gets it from his dad. There's a joke at church about how the Methodists are going to beat everybody to the restaurant if he's preaching :tongue_smilie:




The funny part was while DD was talking, the baby started fussing for attention, and she just talked louder until the baby quieted down.


Then when she was finished, she said, "Don't you just love my stories, Mama?" Of course I said yes, and I do. I just occasionally wish she had a pause button.

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Karen Andreola, in the Charlotte Mason's companion says that you do the same thing for the child who can't think of what to say as you do for the constant talker: you give them a limit. "Tell me about your book in 3 sentences." (or however many you choose.) I also help them by keeping count on my fingers so they can see how many they have left. This helps them condense their thoughts and just bring out the main points.


I was so relieved when I read this, as I have several stream of consciousness talkers in my family. ;)

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The funny part was while DD was talking, the baby started fussing for attention, and she just talked louder until the baby quieted down.


Then when she was finished, she said, "Don't you just love my stories, Mama?" Of course I said yes, and I do. I just occasionally wish she had a pause button.


She sounds like Nathan. He will talk to a wall rather than stop talking. :lol:

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Karen Andreola, in the Charlotte Mason's companion says that you do the same thing for the child who can't think of what to say as you do for the constant talker: you give them a limit. "Tell me about your book in 3 sentences." (or however many you choose.) I also help them by keeping count on my fingers so they can see how many they have left. This helps them condense their thoughts and just bring out the main points.


I was so relieved when I read this, as I have several stream of consciousness talkers in my family. ;)


Wish I had seen this before today's narration.:blink::blink: I will definately keep it in mind from this point forward. Thanks.

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