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Is there a Dr. in the house?

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Hi folks! LB here, checking in from the library where I am working with my ECE student.

I have a medical question: If you woke up with a funny new bruise on your arm 3 times in the last 8 weeks, would you call the dr? It is about an inch to an inch and a half in size, dark purply blue, and mottled, like little pin pricks. It does not hurt, is not painful to the touch at all. The three thimes it has happened, have all been in basically the same spot, the inside of my upper arm. I do bruise easily, and they take forever to heal, but this is different.

What could this be? Clotting? Is it serious? I hate dr.s, but will be flying soon, and don't want to explode or anything, lol.

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I am NOT a doctor, but I have had a couple of incidents of "spontaneous bruising", which is what my doctor called it. It can evidently be an indicator of several serious conditions and he ordered a bunch of blood tests to rule them out. It can also be "just one of those things", which appears to be the case for me. But you might want to have it checked out.

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Huh. I bruise all the time without remembering what caused it. At least once, someone has expressed concern that I was in an abusive relationship and hiding it. If I was bruising in the same place repeatedly, I'd think hard about my lifestyle: what I was carrying regularly, how someone was hugging me, how I was carrying my purse or bag, whether I have a tendency to bump into the same corner of the counter often, etc. Do you generally bruise easily?


I looked at the description of petechiae (granted, I did so quickly), and it sounds like it would be a one-time thing before it got serious. I could be wrong though. If you're really concerned and worried, it can't hurt to call, of course. I hope it's nothing, though!

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I do bruise easily, but this bruise has come up in a place that is not likely to be from bumping anything. Also, my diet hasn't been very good this last 2 months- the site I read said that can cause it too.

I think I will call, just to make sure- it just doesn't look or feel right. Will also go buy some B-12 (I have a deficiency and it said this could cause it too- along the lines of a healthy diet.)

And I do want to be healthy and able to fly in a month.

I am done teaching at noon- will call then.

All y'all are freaking me out just a touch, lol.

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Thanks for all your advice ladies. My sister is a nurse and called me today for canning advice, so after I told her how to make a syrup for canning peaches, she listened to me describe the bruise. She said it could go either way- call the doc, or not. I called the Dude, and of course, he said to call *RIGHT NOW*, lol. I did, and have an appt. for Wed at 11:30 with my regular Dr. I also got a recommendation for a naturopath from Jean in Newcastle. Have to research my insurance a bit, but will be calling for an appt there probably on Monday.

I am still a bit bugged by it, but will chill for the weekend, and focus instead on eating really healthy, taking B-12 and folic acid, and drinking water, and sleeping.

Thanks again for listening,


(Any new comments/thoughts/insights definitely welcome.)

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Whenever you are concerned - even after trying to think rationally about it - call your doctor. Your gut instinct can save your life in many situations. If it "just doesn't feel right/look right/seem right" then that is red flag #1. Personally, I would rather a doctor tell me I am fine than rely on someone else to ease my mind. Of course, I am also a hypochondriac, so my sense of "uh-oh, that's not right!" is a bit whacky.


Call the doctor at the very least.

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I am a trust your instincts person too. My persistence that something was terribly wrong with my son saved his life. Unfortunately he had peteiche too, but it was the most minor of his symptoms really. Hopefully it is nothing as these things usually are, but always get things checked out if something seems off.


Glad you have an appt., and as I have learned these last few years worrying does not fix anything so enjoy your weekend.

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did you take a picture on a digital camera? that way, if its all gone, your dd (dear doctor) at least has something to go on.....


i'm glad you called :001_smile:



No I didn't- that is a good idea. I lost my good camera, but I may try to take one on my cell phone camera. It isn't as ugly as it was this morning, but I will take one anyhow. Great idea for next time.

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did you take a picture on a digital camera? that way, if its all gone, your dd (dear doctor) at least has something to go on.....


i'm glad you called :001_smile:



OK! Photos taken on cell phone- the light was funny and made it look even worse than it already does, lol. But you can see the little purple pin prick shapes well, so that's good that it looks bad. Thanks so much for that- I never would have thought of that.

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