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Someone Diagnose My Dad?

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Doctors haven't been able to.


Thursday, my dad went to the family doctor and he did and MRI and exam but just sent him home with muscle relaxers and pain meds.


Thurs night, the pain got so incredibly bad, he went to the hospital where they did LOTS of tests, none of which showed anything. Bloodwork, urine, etc is all normal.




This morning, he's sitting in the 90degree garage (smoking) and my mom brings him the phone (he's on call this weekend). He says he thinks he has a fever. She feels him and he feels COLD. Temperature was 94!


Before that....he has a LOT of pain in his back. They don't think it's muscle or joint pain. Doing the back exercises doesn't help or hurt it. He tried heat one night and that actually made it worse.


He does have a small bump on on his back. It looked kinda like an ant bite or something. Just one. Someone suggested it could be Shingles, that he doesn't have to have a rash, one bump is enough. And the pain would be excruciating.


He's not able to sleep. He's in excruciating pain that barely lets up with medication even.


I'm sure I forgot SOMETHING...But does anyone have an idea?

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my understanding is that this is on a whole 'nother level. My doc thinks a good portion of my chronic pain is due to my Hashimotos. I have a lot of pain and sometimes it is dibilitating and excruciating, but this is crying out in pain, can't sleep, can't function, even with muscle relaxers and pain medication...like non-stop, constant, continously...It was also sudden onset. And they really don't think it's muscle or joint.


BTW, he is 53, so not old. I know his potassium was off recently. His pacemaker was replace a couple months ago. I don't know....

Edited by 2J5M9K
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About 20 years ago my dad developed a condition that affects 1 in a million men. There are two types....one has a skin rash, the other does not. It was very difficult to dx back then, hopefully drs know more about it now.




The dr that dx my dad is pretty close to you. Let me know if you want his name and number.


ETA: my dad was about the same age as yours is now. He was on steroids for quite a while and is fully recovered...no side effects of the drugs or disease. :)

Edited by Aggie
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How about Rheumatoid Arthritis? Two of my siblings have it. My SIL's father had to go through a lot of testing before they determined RA was the cause, he had a lot of unexplained, unbearable pain, low temperatures, and weird small bumps in odd places.


:grouphug: praying that your family receives answers soon!

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Well, I did say for starters, not that this was his whole problem. When I was disabled before I was hypothyroid, hypoadrenal, low testosterone, low progesterone, B12 deficient, insulin deficient and potassium deficient, most of which supplements would not help until my digestion was fixed. I really don't have any faith in Western Medicine, but since most people do I can say that Dr. Rind and Dr. Teitelbaum worked with me and no doctor was able to help before that.


I hope your dad gets the help he needs.

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Gall Bladder? Maybe passing a stone that is stuck in the little tube. Backs up the kidneys, messes with pancreas. Causes intense pain all around the mid section and up into the back.. pain keeps you tense and unable to get comfortable. The pain is constant for 4-12 hours. I thought I was going to die. Just a thought. Ruby

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About 20 years ago my dad developed a condition that affects 1 in a million men. There are two types....one has a skin rash, the other does not. It was very difficult to dx back then, hopefully drs know more about it now.




The dr that dx my dad is pretty close to you. Let me know if you want his name and number.


ETA: my dad was about the same age as yours is now. He was on steroids for quite a while and is fully recovered...no side effects of the drugs or disease. :)


You are the only person I have ever seen with a father with dermatomyocitis. My father has it as well. He was diagnosed at age 18, well before I was born but has struggled his whole life.


For the original poster, a few thoughts come to mind:

Lyme Disease or other tick-borne diseases (explain the temp and pain)

Autonomic Dysfuction (would explain the temperature)

Kidney Stones (extreme pain but I would have thought they would have looked for these)

Nerve pain stemming from spinal issues

Fibromyalgia - yes, the pain can be that bad


Since the painkillers aren't helping much, it makes me think that it might be nerve related. I hope that your dad get a diagnosis soon.

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A friend of our family who recently suffered for weeks with excrutiating pain, was finally diagnosed with a staph infection. He had surgery to remove an abcess. He had no visible wound, and so the doctors didn't think to look for an infection. Maybe your dad picked up some kind of infection when his pacemaker was replaced?

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