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Starting Singapore IA soon, what do I need...


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...to make everything complete?


I'm rotten at math so, I want all the help I can get to teach the Singapore way, not my way, lol!


This is the plan:

IA Textbook

1A Workbook



I have plenty of manipulatives, if needed.


Anything else?


Thank you!

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That's all you really need. I like the Intensive Practice book as well. The problems in it are challenging and make the kids think a bit differently. We've been doing it a step behind whatever ds is learning in the textbook/workbook. I also have the Challenging Word Problems book but based on what people here have said I will likely save it and use it next year (most people I've seen said they use the CWP at a level lower than the level they are on).


Singapore doesn't have a lot of opportunity for review/drill of the facts so you'll probably want to have some way you do that. I use mostly games that I've either made or we have the Right Start games. You could use games, or flashcards or some other kind of thing for drill.

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Thanks Alice!


That was very helpful.

Regarding the Intensive Practice Book, I wasn't sure exactly what you meant by doing it a step behind what your ds is learning. Does that mean covering concepts that he just recently learned? Sort of using it as a refresher or practice of previously learned concepts? Sorry if I sound confused, I usually am!

Thank you for the info about facts review, I appreciate that.

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I like the IP books, too. For 1A, the IP challenging problems were at my daughter's level, but the ones in 1B were too challenging for her, I stopped doing them and will do them while doing 2A. The challenging problems are puzzle type math problems, the rest of the problems are similar to those in the workbook. For 1A we actually just used the IP book without a textbook or a workbook, for 1B I used the textbook and a few workbook pages if she needed more practice.

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