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Way off topic--freezer defrosted accidently. Arghhh!

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Just needed a post to whine for a moment. Today I went down to the basement to find that DH had left ajar our large storage freezer. He had gone down there a few days earlier to very kindly get a container of icecream for me.


So now all the food I had been prepping and freezing for his next trip abroad and for after the baby comes is in the garbage. Hours and hours of careful shopping, menu planning, cooking and organizing down the tubes. I was almost done!


He helped me clean up the mess, and felt terrible. I tried very hard not to break down in tears, and I managed. But when a container of chicken stock spilled on me I did cry a little.


Anyway, I do know I am a lucky woman--lucky to have been able to store so much food, to have a DH who runs to the basement for me, lucky to be pregnant, lucky to have the energy to start the whole process over.


Thanks for listening.

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Just needed a post to whine for a moment. Today I went down to the basement to find that DH had left ajar our large storage freezer. He had gone down there a few days earlier to very kindly get a container of icecream for me.


So now all the food I had been prepping and freezing for his next trip abroad and for after the baby comes is in the garbage. Hours and hours of careful shopping, menu planning, cooking and organizing down the tubes. I was almost done!


He helped me clean up the mess, and felt terrible. I tried very hard not to break down in tears, and I managed. But when a container of chicken stock spilled on me I did cry a little.


Anyway, I do know I am a lucky woman--lucky to have been able to store so much food, to have a DH who runs to the basement for me, lucky to be pregnant, lucky to have the energy to start the whole process over.


Thanks for listening.


Oh, I am so sorry. It really must be disheartening to see so much work gone down the drain! Your husband must be feeling terrible too. Just hang in there, we're here to listen if you need a sympathetic ear.

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I can sympathize. My DH (love him dearly!!) unplugged our basement freezer when he had to fix a hot water heater. This was shortly after our first child was born. I had cooked 26 dozen (yes, dozen) pierogis, many casseroles, lasagnes, and stews in preparation for her arrival. (Did I think I'd never cook again? LOL!) We didn't notice for at least 3 or 4 days and by then everything was ruined. I think we had eaten only 2 dozen pierogi by this time. Nine years later I can laugh about it, but oh, the work that went into making all that food!

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