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Outdoor Games for preschoolers?

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Not that everyone has one of these, but do you have access to one of those play parachutes? I *think* I may have seen one at Target the other day. They're great for having the kids all hold on, shake (they'll do this for minutes at a time!), puff it up and jump under, bounce the ball on top, etc.

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Old Standbys:

Red Light, Green Light

Duck, Duck, Goose (or make it sillier with your own words)

Simon Says


May We Cross the River: You need a defined area (a line at each end) at least as wide as your group. Pick 1 child to be "it" along with you. At your prompting, the other children say, "May we cross the river?" You respond, "Only if you are...wearing blue, a boy, wearing shorts, etc." Those who fit this description try to run from one line to the other. The child who is "it" tries to tag them as they cross. Those who are tagged become "stuck in the mud." They sit on their bottoms and stretch out their hands to try to tag others as they cross. Those tagged by "it" or those "stuck in the mud" sit down. As the game progresses, you will have kids running back and forth from both directions. The last child standing is the new "it." I've played this game successfully with preschoolers on several occasions. The key is to keep the "only if" part very simple.


Red, White, Blue (or use your own 3 words): Put the kids in groups of 3 and arrange in a circle (standing). Give each child one of the names Red, White, and Blue. When you call "Red", all the "Reds" run around the circle (make sure you specify a direction). The other two children in each group make an arch with their arms. When the "Reds" get back to their group, they run under the arch made by "White" and "Blue" and grab an object from the center of the circle (bandannas or small balls work well) There should be one less object than the number of groups. Be sure to SPREAD THE ITEMS OUT so there are no bonked heads (don't ask me how I know!). With small kids, I don't think you would bother keeping score of how many times each group was last but just enjoy the game. To make it easier to remember who is what color, you might want to bring little strips of cloth for the kids to tie on their arm or wrist so they can refer to it if they forget!

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That's the class I volunteered to teach at Co-Op this term! Well, it was my second choice. The other Mom's felt the kids weren't old enough to for a Civic's class.


I passed on Red Rover because it involves pushing and some of these Mom's would probably complain.


Duck Duck Goose

Red Light Green Light

Musical Chairs

Ring Around the Rosey

What Time is it Mr. Fox?

The Farmer in the Dell

Shadow Tag

Simon Says

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