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Is Latin a Skill or a Content Area?


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I am trying to decide whether I will do Latin with my kids together or separately. I was just out walking the dog and thinking about it and I figured that Latin is a skill area and therefore I should probably work with the kids separately. One of my kids picks things up very quickly and one does not. We started learning Spanish at the beginning of the summer and it's clear that one child is making more progress than the other.


What do others with kids close in age do?



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I am trying to decide whether I will do Latin with my kids together or separately. I was just out walking the dog and thinking about it and I figured that Latin is a skill area and therefore I should probably work with the kids separately. One of my kids picks things up very quickly and one does not. We started learning Spanish at the beginning of the summer and it's clear that one child is making more progress than the other.


What do others with kids close in age do?




I've separated mine for the first time this year. My oldest 2 are 13 months apart, and they did Prima Latina, Latin for Children A, and the first part of Getting Started With Latin together.


My ds8(almost 9) needs some confidence building, and my ds10 needs to be a bit challenged, so ds8 is sticking with Getting Started With Latin and ds10 is doing Latin Prep.

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I started my elder two dc in Latin for Children together. The younger of the two couldn't keep up, so I let the older move ahead. He finsihed LfC B when she was just about 1/4 of the way into it.


At that point we switched to Latin Prep. I started them at the same time, again, thinking that things would go differently with different curriculum. Nope. She (younger dc) really struggled, so I introduced the workbook for her for extra practice. Now ds is half a book ahead of her, but the pacing is working better for them.


Now, with my younger two, I started them both in Song School Latin this past spring. I am going to bump the older up to Latin for Children this year, because SSL is not meaty enough for him (and it certainly isn't intended for 4th graders).

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Learning a language is a skill. Latin is the content.


I would definitely keep them together. There is only so far that they can go in Latin at this age, so you are not going to be holding one back that much. The skills that you are teaching - how language works, how we learn a language (memorize vocabulary, learn paradigms, translate, etc.) - will not be tied as closely to the amount of Latin that they pick up.

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