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Could those with Gall Bladdar issues . . .

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I experienced horrible horrible pain that started on my right side under my rib cage, and felt like it bored through into my back. My back hurt so bad..and it would radiate down a bit. I couldnt make the pain go away...sitting, lying, walking, etc. I would feel full, but starving at the same time. A couple times it got so bad that I would throw up.

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I had extreme pain in an area right under the center of my chest and above my stomach. I seriously thought I was having a heart attack. It would last for about an hour. It did usually happen after I had foods that were high in fat. The last time it happened before I went to the emergency room, I had moved some heavy furniture. I'm not sure if it was related, but it's the only thing I could think of that I had done differently. I went to the ER and they admitted me immediately.

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:pForgot the second half...

Dh was once home to witness his crying, writhing in pain wife and ordered me to the Dr. Dr referred me to get an US of my gallbladder, dx with gallstones, met with surgeon...Im a big baby and backed out of surgery.


I noticed the attacks came with me eating fatty foods...I changed my eating habits, and havent had an attack since...it has been 4 yrs now.

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Excruciating pain. Seriously. It would start on my right side, below the ribs a bit, and then start radiating to my mid and lower back. I would be curled up in a ball, crying from the pain, unable to stand any physical pressure to my stomach or back. Usually, this happened at night after a fatty meal, but it took me a few years of regular attacks (in some cases, one to three attacks a month) to figure that part out. I also had diarrhea, gas-like pain, nausea, and occasionally heartburn symptoms.


I ended up in the ER after three episodes in 24 hours, the third of which nearly made me pass out in my work-study supervisor's office (I was a student at the time). I had an ultrasound, which confirmed LOTS of stones in there, and was scheduled to get it taken out the next week unless I had another attack before then. The doctor was shocked I'd been having them for so long without being checked out. If I'd known how much better life would be afterwards, I would have gone in much, much earlier than I did.

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I started having chest pains one day after eating a high fat meal. The pain was more like an intense pressure in the center of my chest. I was sweaty. I thought it was reflux and unfortunately for me, it lasted 4 days. By the time I sought medical attention I was very jaundiced from the stone that was stuck. By this point I was dizzy, disoriented and it hurt to even touch my stomach on the right side under my ribs.


I had one minor attack since then( 13 months) that lasted a few hours and another one similar to the first, which also lasted a few days and I once again got jaundiced.


I did have an US and a MRI and was diagnosed with gallstones.

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One night about 3 weeks ago, I woke up and felt discomfort in my stomach. Within a few minutes it settled in my upper-right-below-the-rib-cage-area. Then my back began hurting as well. I ended up in the ER, had an ultrasound which did not show any stones but a small polyp, and then had a Hida scan today. My gall bladder did not show up on the scan, due to either a blockage or it has simply stopped working, so I'm scheduled for surgery on Friday unless I have another episode before then.

My episodes do not come after greasy or high-fat meals. There does not seem to be any rhyme or reason to them.


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