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Feeling Thankful!! - not a rant, a RAVE


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Hello, beehive!! :D


Just feeling very thankful today and needed to share. This will be our first real year homeschooling. I pulled my dc out of PS in late April for a number of reasons.


We are a very tight-knit family. Even when the children were in PS, both mom and dad work from home, so we always received them, played with them, studied with them, dinners together, etc. But even in the little time the children have been out of school, and we have been homeschooling I have seen big and wonderful changes in them.


I know it is not always peaches and cream. And that sometimes they go "ugh, another math page?" But today I am grateful for children who beg me to read them real literature before bed. (We are currently reading through The Wizard of Oz). Children who ask me can they do an extra chore for the privilege of playing "Timez Attack" (a video game that drills them on multiplication tables :lol:) That one kills me every time. Grateful for a son whom I felt drifting away in PS, who now says "Mom, I am following the moral of the Aesop fable about the turtle and the hare", when I tell him he's taking too long on his math page. For a son dramatizing an Ancient Egypt pop-up book for his sister and her stuffed animals. (We are doing TOG Y1. Egypt is a huge hit in our house). For a daughter who read "Babe" by herself and now wants to watch the movie, so she can point out all the places where they changed the story.


The list just goes on. So, whenever you wonder exactly why you are doing this, remember those little moments when the house is way too quiet, so you wonder what they're up to, and you find them curled up with a book in a corner. That did not use to happen at this house, but now it does. I am so thankful that God made me homeschool. And I am immensely grateful for the WTM, and everyone in this board. I have learned soooo much from you.


God bless,



Edited by irizarry4
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Amen!!! I pray your homeschool journey continues to go well!


I have felt so privileged to homeschool! Awhile ago my dd was telling me what she wanted to do when she grew up, which included this statement: "When I have kids and they get old enough, I will homeschool them, of course! Well, unless I really have to work for some reason.....then I'd want YOU to homeschool them!" I LOVED that! :D

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Amen!!! I pray your homeschool journey continues to go well!


I have felt so privileged to homeschool! Awhile ago my dd was telling me what she wanted to do when she grew up, which included this statement: "When I have kids and they get old enough, I will homeschool them, of course! Well, unless I really have to work for some reason.....then I'd want YOU to homeschool them!" I LOVED that! :D


:001_smile:That's so great.:001_smile:

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Amen!!! I pray your homeschool journey continues to go well!


I have felt so privileged to homeschool! Awhile ago my dd was telling me what she wanted to do when she grew up, which included this statement: "When I have kids and they get old enough, I will homeschool them, of course! Well, unless I really have to work for some reason.....then I'd want YOU to homeschool them!" I LOVED that! :D



Oh my goodness, my son was just said something similar the other day!! He mentioned in a conversation that when he has kids and his kids are homeschooled............that was SO exciting to hear, I almost cried!! This will be our 2nd year of hs after 4yrs of ps. He was not as enthusiastic when we first started our hs adventure last year.....I was taking him out of his norm and he did not know what to expect-he was quite upset and angry... Now he asks me all the time why his friends are not homeschooled that he thinks that they would love it too!

Blessings to all!


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