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Question for those who have been or are in therapy...

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You all know I am in therapy now...it's no secret. I've been seeing the same therapist since Sept...almost a year now. We are very close. Yesterday she told me she was moving...to Arizona...sometimes this fall. Her husband and son are already there and she is only here until she can sell their house and get her license to practice in AZ. It will be before Christmas, but she won't know when until the house sells. Then there will be 30 days until she moves. I'm not handling the news well at all. How do you deal with something like this? I'm just feeling so lost.

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really. focus on what you have gained from this therapist, and look forward to what you can learn from someone new. A new therapist can be good, because that person will have a fresh perspective and new energy. Try to stay positive. And :grouphug:... I know it's hard. I'm not trying to say it's not, only that it helps to focus on the positive.

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Talk with her about how you are feeling. It's normal for patients to develop close bonds with therapists and therapists are taught ways to help patients handle separation. It's better to talk with her about it because otherwise it could interfere with any other work you're doing with her.

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Hi Sue,

I may have told you this when we got to spend time together, but here it is again, anyway! lol

When we moved ds to the treatment center, they had just consolidated with his former treatment place, which had to close because of the county being low on funds. Our family therapist moved to the new center, too--we were so glad, because she was great, and now we could continue with her as our therapist. It felt secure, and not so scary.


It was not to be, however--she moved to private practice a week after we started in the new center! But, guess what--we got the PERFECT therapist for us! Our new person is so wonderful. I can't believe the difference in our family. He has managed to reach all of us in new ways, teach us new things, and speak and "therapy-ize" us all in just the ways we can hear.


I believe God's got you, Sue. He's big, remember? :D Your therapist can help you select someone, and can help you deal with the feelings you are experiencing, but she's not the only good one out there, and God knows that. (I kinda felt the same when we had to leave our favorite Montessori teacher--how could I find another so great! But we did.)


Hang in there--keep talking it thru. Know we've got your back in prayer, too.:grouphug::grouphug:

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