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Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts Popcorn Sales (fundraising)

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How does your pack handle fundraising? I know several in our area sell popcorn. Are popcorn sales drives a national BSA campaign each year? We've bought BSA popcorn in the past and other times I've just written a check to the pack because I didn't want popcorn or wrapping paper. I'm not sure I'd want my kid to sell popcorn door-to-door or for us to sell for him (at the office) as my son enters BSA. If sales were mandatory, and it would be frowned upon to come up with the equivalent amount that would've been popcorn profit in cash or checks as a donation, I might re-think it all, or talk to the pack leaders in advance about this.


Thanks for any info.

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Our pack asked everyone to sell after having a parents' meeting showing the proposed pack budget & deciding whether people wanted to fund raise or just write a check. After that, we set the yearly fee based on what was needed after the sale.


For our family, we live in an area where it's easy to sell if you know a busy storeowner who will let you sell outside. Cute cubs with polite salesmanship skills = lots of sales. The secret is to break up the microwave boxes and sell them X for 5$ or even 1 packet for $1 (assuming the pricing works that way this year). Also set up a very nice display table with your sons' or relatives past pinewood derby cars and a sign with your prices. People love to see those derby cars and many will share memories.

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We are starting our 7th year of Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts. The first two years we "sold" popcorn ... but not really; we bought it ourselves :blush: as we have problems with the idea of sending children door to door to peddle goods. This seemed silly though, because we weren't really interested in the popcorn (or other goods).


The 3rd year we asked about just donating the equivalent of the profit the other boys made and were told that was just fine. We haven't sold since. We do however, go along with the troop if they are selling at a fixed location for the day, such as the local farmers' market.


Our oldest ds is starting his 2nd year of Boy Scouts (after 5 years of Cub Scouts) this year. What his troop does is keep an account for each boy. The profit from any of his popcorn or other fundraising activities goes to his account. All expenses are divided among each boy's account appropriately and the boys and their families are responsible for any shortfall. We think this approach is wonderful. The boys that work hard and have great sales are rewarded and the rest of us slackers :D must pay the price.

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Each boy sells. If they participate, they get $x dues in the spring. If they do not participate, the fees are higher (about $10-15 more).


MY DS participates & sold about $1200 last year. It has been VERY GOOD FOR HIM to do the work. He has learned a great deal about how to approach a potential customer, how to show his product in a positive light, how to offer alternatives and make suggestions, how to approach be confident, and how to accept a NO with a thank you & sincere appreciation of them giving him the chance to ask.


It has been a very good experience for him. He wouldn't get this lessons from my making a donation & not wanting the worries.... or from my selling it for him. There are positives in doing the work.


As for door to door - they are never to enter anyone's house & if selling in a neighborhood without adults, they are told to go in a group. (buddy system). My son takes the forms to music, church, soccer practice & games, homeschool events, family gatherings, and we even sent out an email with his picture holding up his form (can order online in boys name). As for neighbors & door to door, I am always in the driveway & we don't go to strangers... only folks we know.


Plus, it is good popcorn & better than cookies... haha.

Edited by Dirtroad
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I wont sell for fundraising. I just refuse to do it. Our Scouts has a few ways of earning money and fortunately havent asked me to sell anything. One is to hire out the Scout Hall. Another is a yearly event of serving and selling hamburgers and drinks to bikies who are on a charity run- it makes $1000's.

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