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Have you ever avoided starting school because it overwhelmed you?

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I originally planned to start school the first Monday in August so we could get as much school in as possible before I have the baby in Feb. That didn't happen. Now we're to the second week and I should start today, but I just don't want to. The thought of it overwhelms me. My oldest has a high school program this year, and in years past she and my now 6th grader always did a lot of their school together. I am also pulling our 5yo into the mix this year. He has a separate kindergarten program. Each year I get excited about school and enjoy the planning, scheduling our subjects for the day, etc. I have done none of it...I don't even want to. I dread the chaos that I think will follow with me having 3 different children in 3 different programs/stages and our 3yo needing to be occupied. I'm also overwhelmed and afraid of high school...I used to embrace these kinds of challenges but am struggling to do it. How do you just move forward and get going in these instances?

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I know this feeling. I think the best way to get going is to start with just one subject today. ("Today we're all going to start just math.")Or plan to do just one hour today. ("Today we're going to set the timer and do just one hour. After that we'll put the books away.") Add more in slowly over the next few weeks as you get rolling until you're up to your full schedule.


Personally, I am more likely to get this overwhelmed feeling if I'm pregnant. Best wishes! Let us know how it goes. :grouphug:

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I know this feeling. I think the best way to get going is to start with just one subject today. ("Today we're all going to start just math.")Or plan to do just one hour today. ("Today we're going to set the timer and do just one hour. After that we'll put the books away.") Add more in slowly over the next few weeks as you get rolling until you're up to your full schedule.


Personally, I am more likely to get this overwhelmed feeling if I'm pregnant. Best wishes! Let us know how it goes. :grouphug:


I second this! Just start with one subject and slowly work your way into more.

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I know this feeling. I think the best way to get going is to start with just one subject today. ("Today we're all going to start just math.")Or plan to do just one hour today. ("Today we're going to set the timer and do just one hour. After that we'll put the books away.") Add more in slowly over the next few weeks as you get rolling until you're up to your full schedule.


Personally, I am more likely to get this overwhelmed feeling if I'm pregnant. Best wishes! Let us know how it goes. :grouphug:


Oh my goodness, this is exactly what we decided to do last night. I kept changing the date I wanted to start, I may be student teaching this fall (or not) and wanted to get started. I know I did not want to start in September like last year- I don't want to be doing full-force school two weeks into June. But, for some reason, felt overwhelmed with everything going on (work, school, homeschool, dh laid off, etc.). Last night, I told dh, hun, I think I'm just going to do math all this coming week, add in spelling the week after, then geography, etc. By September, we should be going pretty strong. The routines will be set, and I'm getting organized step-by-step (only need to do one at a time) instead of being paralyzed by perfection to get it "all" done before school starts.

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Texas T... I am in your shoes. I am due in October & we started school about 2 weeks back. WE have yet to complete an entire day. Between some conflicts that were unavoidable and my fatigue.... we just can't get it all done.


so, I am doing what we can. We start with math & grammar.... memorization, narration, poetry, etc have to wait b/c (to me) they are less important. We have gotten in several days of history but no science. Spelling & foreign language seem to be falling into place also (b/c kids love it so much). It is coming.... slowly.


I am more of the problem than kids. I just can't seem to find the energy OR the will. DH can't help, he works 2.5 hours from home & is only here on weekends. Doctors have put me on iron b/c my hemoglobin had "bottomed out".... I am VERY HOPEFUL that this will account for my complete lack of energy and moodiness. This and small increments are all I can do.


I just take baby steps and am trying to make sure each day is more productive than the last.


Hang in there!

Edited by Dirtroad
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Thanks for all the responses. They were very helpful!


I decided to just start 9th grade dd on Bible, History & Lit for this week and to homeschool none of the others, per the recommendations of our curriculum's authors. She's reading right now. I also put a second (and final) coat of paint on our bookshelves, so at least I know I'll be able to organize everything before the other kids get in the mix next week. I feel some sense of accomplishment from at least getting her feet wet with those first three subjects. I realize that when I just do *something* I feel more able to do other things...I was suffocating in my feelings of inadequacy!! ;)

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