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I feel think I am doing something wrong...


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Sarah :)


Well, as long as you weren't planning to start TODAY and haven't yet picked out and purchased curriculum, you don't have anything to worry about.


Do you have an idea of what things you want to use? You could add them to your siggy as you decide if you want to be like others :) I go back and forth about having it in my siggy.


Anyway, so whatcha thinking of using with your 7 and 9yos?

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Sarah :)


Well, as long as you weren't planning to start TODAY and haven't yet picked out and purchased curriculum, you don't have anything to worry about.


Do you have an idea of what things you want to use? You could add them to your siggy as you decide if you want to be like others :) I go back and forth about having it in my siggy.


Anyway, so whatcha thinking of using with your 7 and 9yos?


MUS, History is going to be made up as we go we are using our area as our inspiration, Apologia Astronomy...

The rest is unknown ATM. I need to decide and order this week!


What do you think that you are doing wrong?:confused:


I don't put what I do in my siggy anymore. I use to, but I figured if people really want to know, they will look on my blog.






I think it must be the awful year we just had of schooling and my lack of confidence, along with a 9yr old wanting to go to public school, a new move and not having ordered anything yet. I guess I can feel overwhelmed, right??:confused:

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So did you order yet? Maybe that was your post on the first page? :)


9 yo's are the start of the rough age. They want to be more independent, but they still need help. They need more socially, physically, emotionally, and are cognisant of it. In other words, the ante really goes up and it's time to step up to the plate! I'd sit down, figure out what is going on, why the dc wants to go to school, and set about seeing whether you need to change some things to meet his maturing needs. It sounds like you're a very go-with-the flow kind of person. Maybe he's workbooky, self-driven, and wants to be more independent? Maybe you can change the way you're approaching things to meet him halfway?


Yes, it's August, high time to get your stuff ordered. MOH will be good. I'm using it right now as a source for activities with our Guerber Ancients book. We're having a ton of fun with this, just reading and doing obvious hands-on stuff as we go (build a ziggurat, that sort of thing).

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Lots of good advice & encouragement already given, and (hopefully) here's some more!


You have 4 kids under age 9, a 7-month-old, AND you just moved! You have a LOT on your plate! Order your curriculum, but give yourself some grace, too.


And the siggy's...I put mine there for a visual reminder to myself as I'm figuring everything out for the next year. As I'm planning, I like to see everyone elses for ideas, but since the UPS delivered the last book today, I will STOP looking!

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