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Pattern Blocks, Geo Boards and activity books for both?


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We have a set of wood and a set of magnetic, foam pattern blocks. I like the wood ones, but my children all preferred the magnetic ones, especially when they were younger. The magnetic ones do stay in place much better than the wood ones. After playing with the magnetic ones on flat surfaces for a few months, they discovered that the wood ones were good, after all, for making 3D creations.


They never liked the books/patterns much. They much preferred to make their own designs.



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My kids love Geoboards! The square kind are their favorite, and you can make them really easily with a board and nails in rows. We also love our wooden blocks. I refused to allow the magnetic ones when I found out the magnets fell out and were swallowed by a toddler in our area. The manufacturer may have fixed that problem by now, but my kids build with wood and they seem to like them! I'm really glad now that I went with the wood ones too because they have never been recalled for lead paint like some of the others! We don't use workbooks or activity books in our house. HTH!

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You have boys, right?

My sil bought a pattern block thing for my nephew that I can't remember the name for. It had a German name, but it is basically a cork board with a hammer and little nails and wooden pattern pieces with holes in them. You hammer in the pieces. My nephew loved it and my girls enjoyed playing with it. Wish I could remember its name and it does require supervision or you'll get kids hitting each other - well thats what happened here whn I got a refill of coffee. ;)


I have tessellating pattern blocks which are really cool - they are magnetic foam ones which work great for me because my front door is metal and so are a set of cabinets at my office. I have seen kids of all ages use these.


I also teach my kids to sew, and the first thing they sew is a patchwork quilt.


I don't really think that a book is necessary for teaching this, kids will naturally do patterns. Maybe have them copy your pattern or somthing to make sure there isn't a problem, but patterns are easy and fun.


Don't forget about legos and k'nex. If I didn't already pattern block stuff, I just save my money and buy more legos.

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