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Diabetic amputation, has anyone out there dealt with it?

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It is coming time for my siblings, my mom and I to decide what to do with my Dad. :( I'm so afraid that we will make the wrong decision. If you pray, please pray for my family and my dad's health from this point on. Any advice is appreciated. My heart is heavy. Is this the beginning of the end? I think that in my heart, I know it possibly could be; however, I do keep my mind open to everything changing once the infectious junk is purged from his body.


Thanks for bearing with me.

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What a tough decision to make. I know of many people who live for a long time after amputation (we go weekly to an assisted living facility). The difficulty is that while amputation gets rid of the gangrenous tissue, it also makes exercise and getting enough circulation moving through the body even more difficult. Is your dad able to participate in his care? Will he work with a physical therapist (even after amputation?)

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Oh Julie, I am so sorry you all are dealing with this. I will definitely keep your family in prayers.


My dad is diabetic, Type 1 adult onset. He has been insulin dependent for about 35 years! Amazingly enough, he has yet to have other issues from it. But I am certain that day will come. I can't imagine the pain you are having from this.



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Is your dad able to participate in his care? Will he work with a physical therapist (even after amputation?)


Well, I guess that is what I'm going to have to see for myself when I get back home! I don't know right now, but my guess is probably not. He has one carotid artery completely blocked and another was about 80% blocked, so right now, I don't know how cognitively able he is. :( I dread going. It's not going to be fun facing this, but my Dad is in his 70's and perhaps in the late winter of his life.


I guess we just won't know until after the surgery. The doctors believe that he will make it through the surgery okay, but it is the possibility of throwing clots which could lead to stroke, heart attack or what have you. My Dad also has a further complication of a ever worsening heart murmur.


Thanks Jean.

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.My dad is diabetic, Type 1 adult onset. He has been insulin dependent for about 35 years! Amazingly enough, he has yet to have other issues from it. But I am certain that day will come. I can't imagine the pain you are having from this.



Sadly, Melissa, your Dad and my dad are about the same then. Oh please have him watch for foot ulcers as that can be their undoing. :( There are so many techniques to help save from amputation; sadly, I think that Dad is too far gone for any of the other things to benefit.


This is hard. At least, perhaps, I will be here for you when you will face this journey with your own Dad.

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It is coming time for my siblings, my mom and I to decide what to do with my Dad. :( I'm so afraid that we will make the wrong decision. If you pray, please pray for my family and my dad's health from this point on. Any advice is appreciated. My heart is heavy. Is this the beginning of the end? I think that in my heart, I know it possibly could be; however, I do keep my mind open to everything changing once the infectious junk is purged from his body.


Thanks for bearing with me.


No advice, but praying for you, (((Julie))).

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