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Pregnancy question

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I'm 36 weeks pg today. For the last couple of weeks I had a lot of nausea, cramping, general exhaustion. My Dr. checked me two days ago and it was 1cm opening and 40% effaced. She said that she's not too worried, but then started going through details "if your water breaks, if the contractions start etc."


I don't want to freak out, but how long can it go between 1cm and going into labor? My SIL had the same thing with her first and was put on a bed rest.


The Dr. is on vacation now for two weeks. :001_huh:


Any advice or similar stories to share?

Edited by *Inna*
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With all of my later babies (#3 - #7) I was always at least 1cm when checked at 36 weeks. With baby #5 I walked around at 5cm for 2weeks! It's not the dilation you need to worry about, it's the contractions.


If you don't want to go into labor right now, and at 36 weeks it's not desirable, I would just take a few precautions. Make sure you stay well hydrated. If you feel strong braxton-hicks, lie down and drink water. Don't go on long walks or exhaust yourself. Refrain from intimacy with dh, for a couple of weeks. You are probably not facing an early labor, but go ahead and get ready anyway. This is just the way it goes for some of us after we have a few babies. (This is not just from my own experience, but from talking to many many expectant mothers for 2 decades.)




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You can go for months or for weeks or for hours.:glare: There is no real science to it. My sister was 3 cms for close to 5 months with one child and I was 1 cm for 2 weeks with one. 36 weeks is not that early and you should be good to go even if it does come now. If you can, just take it easy and don't do too much for a week or so if you are worried. I've never made it to 40 weeks but usually deliver around 37-38 weeks and they turned out fine. You're on your way!

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I wouldn't worry at all. I felt really miserable the last month of this past pregnancy and still went to over 39 weeks. I called my husband home from work at 35 and a half weeks because of contractions/nausea/etc. However, nothing came of it. You'll be full term in a week and even if you did have the baby now, things would probably be fine at this point.

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Congratulations on your soon to be new addition. Just like the others I would recommend just taking it a little easy the next couple of weeks. Of course you are a homeschooling Mom and taking it easy may be too much to ask right before a new schoolyear begins. Good luck and be well.

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Thank you so much for your responses!


I just received a call from my friend who's throwing a baby shower for me next Saturday. She ordered me to do anything possible to not to have this baby until the party is over or else! :lol:

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