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Saxon 1, R&S 1, Singapore 1, or Rightstart A?

Jenn in Mo

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This is for a fanciful 6 year old girl. She is very artistic and loves drawing, but struggles with writing.


I have the first three (used) but am in love with everything I've heard about Rightstart A. But I feel too guilty to spring the money since I already own programs I can choose from. Talk me out of it and into one of the others - please!

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For a 6yo, I'd start with RightStart B. If you need to, you can move slowly through the first 30 lessons or so (the review of A). Having used A and B, I don't think a 6yo would need the entirety of A. By the time you get to much writing, her writing will probably be better (or you could do the writing for her....).


Singapore 1 would be a solid program, though since it's a workbook, you'd deal with the writing issue.


I haven't used the other two (and have only looked at Singapore).

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Singapore 1 would be a solid program, though since it's a workbook, you'd deal with the writing issue.


At that age it's pretty easy to do Singapore mostly orally. When ds started the Earlybird series we used a combo of number stampers (stamps and ink) and number stickers, too.

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Well, I know how you feel about Rightstart. I have drooled over it for years, but I have never been able to justify the cost. If I were you, I'd go with what you have, but purchase an ALabacus to use in explain some of the concepts. The ALabacus comes with a little booklet that explains a lot of the concepts. One of the things that I did with it at that age, is number drills.


I would pull out a certain number of beads and ds would have to tell me how many it was as quickly as possible. We started with 10 beads and quickly worked our way up to 100. He could tell me any amount by just quickly glancing at it. This was a wonderful introduction to the concept of number. Later, I had him write down the number. Then we moved on to adding. I would pull out a number of beads and ask him to add another number to it. He could "see" it so clearly.


I think originally the program was built around the abacus and then expanded to be a complete curriculum.

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I had a really hard time using Right Start for me. I am such a "need to see it on paper" person. After about 12 lessons though I "got" it. We LOVE Right Start. My kids want to do math all the time. I am using Right Start A with my 4 year old and 6 year old right now. My 6 year old has not done math in the past so I wanted to make sure she had a good base and I have not regretted it.


Oh and I got my set used here in the For Sale section. I got the book and manipulatives from two different sellers.

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I have used Right Start A,B & half of C. It is good and I really like the manipulative kit. I am partial to the asian approach to math, it just makes more sense to me. Before these two programs even existed, I used Miquon...so it was a natural transition for me. Right Start B is really accelerated compared to other first grade programs, but that levels out in the next level ©. I switched from RS C to Singapore (2B) a few years ago. I prefer the less teacher intensive format and my daughter likes that she is more independent for most of her work. I do have the Right Start Math Games Kit and that is a good way to bring the best of RS into any math program. You would not be making a mistake if you decided use RS A or B before moving onto Singapore. Of course, simply starting with Singapore isn't a mistake either.



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Thank you for this. I've never used an abacus and honestly, as a bit intimidated. But a booklet will be nice. And you're right. Even if I had the money to spend on it....I have good programs. I need to use them and be a better steward.


Call me crazy, but all of my kids have really liked Saxon 1 and the manipulatives. I've never had a fanciful girl, though.

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