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HUGE Rave for Comb Binding- Yes I am a dork!!

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Okay, I have totally lost it, I am EXCITED about comb binding. I knew this existed, but didn't realize you could have it done yourself. I got so fed up with spending so much $$ on homeschool planner/lesson/grade book's that still were not the "right fit", so I printed some forms from DonnaYoung.org and dowloaded (well worth the $4.50) a ton of forms from this website, http://www.themasterplanner.com/

and had my husband make copies at work. Then today I took them all in their organized stacks, and had them comb-binded (don't think that is a word) at Kinko's. I had even printed cover sheets for front and back, and Kinko's did the plastic front and back cover.


I did 5 planners total- a huge one for me, 1 for each of my older 3 kids, and a household binder- $30. YEAH! :D

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...I knew this existed, but didn't realize you could have it done yourself...


Dh bought one for his office at work, but it wasn't heavy-duty enough for what they were doing, so I inherited it (it's plenty heavy-duty for me!) and they bought a bigger one. I've used it quite a bit. It's easy too.

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Just this week I bound schedules and lesson plans for my older two. I'm working more this semester and taking a couple of classes myself, so I'm trying to encourage more independence. I had to wipe the dust off my binder first :o ...it hadn't been used in a while.



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I just bought a ProClick and I am enjoying it. I had a comb binder but didn't like it so much. It didn't let the book fold back and the ProClick does. The ProClick doesn't have as big of combs as the comb binders do though.

I hear ya! Let's not tempt them with the ProClick.... hee hee... I LOVE mine... so easy to rearrange pages!

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I hear ya! Let's not tempt them with the ProClick.... hee hee... I LOVE mine... so easy to rearrange pages!


I *love* mine too. It's a recent addition to the household and the kids (especially the youngest) just love to zip and unzip the binding. I'm hoping that particular fascination will wear off before they wear out the zipper tool :lol:

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