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Singapore Teacher's Guide vs. Home Instructor Guide

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I recently purchased guides for Singapore Primary 1A, 1B, and 2A US Edition. I thought I was getting Home Instructor Guides for all of them (I bought them used), but they arrived today and 1A and 1B are Teacher's Guides published by the Rosenbaum Foundation. 2A is the HIG I expected.


I really don't want to deal with the hassle of sending the teacher's guides back to the seller and trying to find the HIG's for a good price. This was an awesome deal so I'd really like to keep them. Just wondering if there's any particular reason why I shouldn't.


Thanks! :D

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Definately a good deal. I think the HIG are for our standard edition are really inexpensive, about $17, versus $45. If you can make them work great, if not maybe it would be worth looking for the HIG used? I would just wonder how to adapt it to home, I really like our HIG because it gives me all kinds of ideas for activities with only one or two kids.

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one year i bought both the teachers guides and the home instruction guides. i discovered i used the teachers guides daily, and the home instruction guide only occasionally. the difference for me was in the teaching style, and i love the way singapore teachers help lead their students to knowledge rather than giving it to them.




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I've had a chance to look through them some, and the teacher's guides are going to be fine. I am planning on switching to the standards edition once dd gets to 2B (I read that it's okay to go from 2A US Ed to 2B Standards), and I've heard that the Standards HIG's are great, so I'll definitely make sure i have the right books then!


BTW, 1A/1B DOES have HIG's, published by singaporemath.com, as a previous poster stated. Sonlight published the HIG's for 2A and up. The standard edition HIG's are all from singaporemath.com though, I believe. I guess the seller I bought from either misunderstood me or didn't realize that there is actually a HIG for 1A/1B.

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