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For those who started Saxon 1 with their k'ner..

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Your sequence is pretty much what we are planning. Dd did Saxon a year ahead, but went to ps for 3rd grade--it was totally review last year. I was a little worried about putting her in 6/5 for this year's 4th grade, but so far, so good (there's tons of review at the beginning).

When she gets to 6th grade, we will probably do 8/7, then in 7th grade, do Algebra 1/2, which is a pre-algebra book you didn't mention, unless she really is advanced in math. We have the option of slowing down if we need to, since we have that year to play around with. Who knows--we may throw some different program in that year, because I think it's good to have experience with math "described a different way." OTOH, there's such good prep in Saxon that I don't think Algebra really has to be that difficult--we could go slowly thru the book, stopping if we encounter any gaps or if her understanding just hasn't matured yet.

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I have used this sequence -- twice and had problems both times. The oldest hit Algebra 2 in 8th and had problems there, so we slowed down and took 2 years for that. The next had problems with Algebra 1 in 7th and took 2 years for that, but could do Algebra 2 in one year. My middle child hit Algebra 1 in 8th and did fine with doing it in a year. Both my older two did Advanced Math in 10th and Calculus split between 11th and 12th. These were all Saxon books. My third is taking 2 years to do Advanced Math only because we have gone to a very relaxed math schedule due to her choir/vocal schedule. (She is in 3 choirs and private voice).


Basically you just do what is best for the child, slowing down when needed.



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You can do both pre-algebra (1/2, it's called) and 8/7, but it would be rather redundant. It does cover some of the same material. I've heard 1/2 has more pre-algebra and 8/7 has more general math review (fractions, etc.). Either one prepares you for Algebra, but 1/2 is a little better prep, or so I've heard.

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