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Coordinating SOTW with a Logic age student?


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I have a 4th grader and a 6th grader studying the Middle Ages this year. My 4th grader will be doing SOTW 2, and my 6th grader has The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia (I think that's the name, it's the red book...too lazy to go get it right now, :tongue_smilie:). Anyway, I'm making out my lesson plans, and it's for me to figure out where to start with my 6th grader. I was thinking of just having her study along with what we are doing in SOTW 2, only using KHE, since the SOTW activity book lists corresponding pages to KHE. I'd also keep checking our WTM book for certain people/events she should study. Will she be missing something if we do it that way? Anybody other suggestions? I have trouble deciding whether to have her go straight through KHE in order by page, or follow SOTW with us, to keep them together (making library trips easier). Any suggestions would be great!

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I had a Ker, 2nd grader, 6th, and 7th graders when we did SOTW 3 last year. I read SOTW aloud to all dc, and we did the mapwork, review questions, and any activities together. Then I had the 6th and 7th graders read the corresponding sections of KHE alone.


If I had it to do again, I would also have each child do the narration or outline appropriate for their ability.



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