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4 banks in our area robbed since Monday

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since Monday, there have been 4 banks robbed in our area. One was only 1 1/2 to 2 miles from us. There was a helecopter overhead and police dogs out searching. It was not the same robber, 4 different guys, none have been caught. We live in a small town that is USUALLY incredibily safe. Oh, also the beauty shop that I go to was robbed. This is crazy. My dd is getting a little scared to go places.

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not the same guy, 4 different guys robbed. One of the banks is only 1 1/2 to 2 miles from us, it is the closest bank to us. THere was a helicopter overhead and police dogs out. None have been caught. Oh, also the beauty shop that I go to was robbed several weeks ago. This is kinda scary. We live in a very small and usually safe town.

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Wonder if this is the economy making people desperate? I can't decide if the media is reporting more robberies and gun activity in our area or if it is actually a rise in the crimes. I don't feel any less safe, but the uptick on the news reports seems significant....where they used to go to other states for things to report seems they're doing more local. Or...maybe it's my own mind paying more attention to the problems whereas I may have been a Pollyanna and only heard what I was ready to hear before.


I hope they catch the robbers in your area so that you will feel safer.

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