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Must offer up some praise! Christian content :)

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We're dirt poor. At least for American standards. So, as of late I've really been before the Lord asking for ways I can earn $$, but still be with the dc and not interrupt school. (I was working last year and it did not work out b/c of our hsing goals)


SO, I have picked up a bit of babysitting and laundry and made a wee bit.


Then, I got some great news. A high school friend and I communicate on Facebook. We were very close and I had the pleasure of a dinner visit when she was traveling for work. She has asked me to come and house sit. She lives in Gainesville, FL in a beautiful home, with a pool! She's going to pay me to vacation in her home, basically. We don't have a pool, so it will be a treat! I am bringing the kids and the puppy.


I'm so thankful and excited. I had to share to give the praise to the Lord for answering a prayer. One for work and also by providing me what I have never asked for...a vacation. He is so gracious. He knows I'm a bit burnt out and that I could really use the break from home.


So, I'm givin' it up for God! His grace endures forever!

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She has asked me to come and house sit. She lives in Gainesville, FL in a beautiful home, with a pool! She's going to pay me to vacation in her home, basically. We don't have a pool, so it will be a treat!


Oh, now there's a good idea for making money AND having a nice vacation!! I wonder if I could find something like that....

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