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okay IF swine flu vaccines were available

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and if your DH worked all day with the public, would you consider having him get a vaccine even if you weren't sure you were ready to vaccinate your children without more testing on safety?


I'm thinking my DH has survived many vaccines, including antrax in the military, and he always gets a flu shot anyway.


I feel sort of guilty wanting him to. The rest of us don't really have to go anywhere. But he's exposed to many people every day.

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I've had similar thoughts. My dh does not work with the public, but he takes the Metro to and from work. Goodness knows what kinds of germs are floating around on those trains.


I know I don't want the kids to get it and I don't get regular flu shots because of a family history of problems with them. If dh wants to get one I will support him, hoping that he won't bring it home to us.

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DH: Hey, they are offering swine flu shots at my office on November 4th. Should I make an appointment for you to take the boys and get you all shots?


Me: Heck no. I'm not getting the boys shots. I'm not sure there has been enough research on whether it's safe. I just have a bad feeling about it.


DH: Really? Maybe I shouldn't get one then. You say it's not safe?


Me: Well, it's safe enough for you, just not safe enough for them.


I'm not sure that's how I want to sound:)

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and if your DH worked all day with the public, would you consider having him get a vaccine even if you weren't sure you were ready to vaccinate your children without more testing on safety?


Likely not. I work on airplanes, and I won't be getting it. I wouldn't think to ask of him that which I'm not myself willing to undergo.


I'm thinking my DH has survived many vaccines, including antrax in the military, and he always gets a flu shot anyway.


Mine, too, including multiple rounds of anthrax and the annual flu shot (when they could catch him to get it). But I still rather him not get anything above and beyond what he's professionally REQUIRED to get.

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I tend to be a numbers kind of gal and I'm not liking them. The World Health Organization issue a statement on Friday estimating this pandemic over the next two years could affect 2 BILLION people world wide, that's 1/3 the world population. Our own (US) Center for Disease Control says it could get up to 40% in the US with a possible death toll of several hundred thousands. Mind you most deaths are attributed to complications arising from pneumonia or some such. I worked for years in the health care field but I am not prone to jump on any scare wagon. But this looks like a different animal. I would be most concerned with young children, the elderly plus anyone working with the public or in your case riding public transportation. HS kids are lucky they are not in schools; they are germ breeding factories. I would wait as long as you can before getting one, most people get them too early and are left unprotected in the late winter. Our clinic staff tried to hold out till late October, even when we had positive cases come in. This of course is MHO. I know a lot of people are adamant about their vaccine beliefs and I in no way wish to undermine their choices. But for me, having seen a very sick child days before they died of influenza and a mother dealing with the fact she did not vaccinate, has skewed my opinion. Not an image I ever want to witness again.

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I'm thinking my DH has survived many vaccines, including antrax in the military, and he always gets a flu shot anyway.

I believe that each individual has a certain level that can push him/her over the edge in terms of health. Unfortunately, we don't know what that level is, but this vaccine could be the one that sends your dh over the threshold, especially since his body has already been injected with so many other vaxes.

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and if your DH worked all day with the public, would you consider having him get a vaccine even if you weren't sure you were ready to vaccinate your children without more testing on safety?


Not this version of the flu, no. It doesn't seem any nastier than the garden variety, it's just that we know where it came from and having been tracking its progress. If it were too suddenly mutate to a more deadly form, then yes.

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I tend to be a numbers kind of gal and I'm not liking them. The World Health Organization issue a statement on Friday estimating this pandemic over the next two years could affect 2 BILLION people world wide, that's 1/3 the world population. Our own (US) Center for Disease Control says it could get up to 40% in the US with a possible death toll of several hundred thousands. Mind you most deaths are attributed to complications arising from pneumonia or some such. I worked for years in the health care field but I am not prone to jump on any scare wagon. But this looks like a different animal. I would be most concerned with young children, the elderly plus anyone working with the public or in your case riding public transportation. HS kids are lucky they are not in schools; they are germ breeding factories. I would wait as long as you can before getting one, most people get them too early and are left unprotected in the late winter. Our clinic staff tried to hold out till late October, even when we had positive cases come in. This of course is MHO.

Worldwide, the annual death toll from the "regular" flu is estimated to be between 250,000 and 500,000. I still choose not to get a flu shot. (I had complications from a flu shot 19 years ago.)



I know a lot of people are adamant about their vaccine beliefs and I in no way wish to undermine their choices. But for me, having seen a very sick child days before they died of influenza and a mother dealing with the fact she did not vaccinate, has skewed my opinion. Not an image I ever want to witness again.

I saw my own child almost die from regular childhood vaccines. That's also not an image I ever want to witness again. We all have to make choices based on our own experiences, beliefs, and research.

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Not this version of the flu, no. It doesn't seem any nastier than the garden variety, it's just that we know where it came from and having been tracking its progress. If it were too suddenly mutate to a more deadly form, then yes.


If it does mutate, which as I understand it, this strain is more prone to do than others, then whatever current vaccination there is will be ineffective anyway. So no worries. :001_smile:

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Not this version of the flu, no. It doesn't seem any nastier than the garden variety, it's just that we know where it came from and having been tracking its progress. If it were too suddenly mutate to a more deadly form, then yes.

Yes this. And quite likely one or more of us have had it. In some people it comes with no symptoms and it's rife here at the moment.

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I'm still very up in the air regarding the swine flu vaccine. I do work in the healthcare field and have come in contact with swine flu multiple times. The cases have varied GREATLY in severity. In our hospital we have had a number of nurses and doctors infected. (most of these were when it first hit our area and we weren't properly screening) We have had a few deaths and quite a few patients ending up on ventilators. The fact that I am the only working person in our household and DH is immunocomprimised makes me lean more towards yes than no. I need to do more research before I decide.

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