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Edward vs Jacob, -- anyone still up for a Twilight discussion?

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Well... there's a part in me that wants to flirt with the dark and tense... (just being honest!) and in books like these, I get to! That would not happen in my life (meaning a guy that is on the daring side... a bit worldly... you know, mom tells you to go with the "good" boys, not the "bad").


I always like Gerard Butler as the phantom in Phantom of the Opera... OH! I just loved him! And my girls would get mad and say, "How could you like him? He's a murderer?!!"

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Oh my. I'm a bit over halfways through the first book..and.. wow. *grin* :D


Cadam, you were quite right - they kept the general 'plot'..but they changed so many things! Left out so much - and, even though I'm only halfways through the first, I have to say.. Edward has much more..personality? in the book! (Not positive if I have the word I want. He has personality in the movie, but.. it's not the same. Argh, dunno if I'm making sense :tongue_smilie: )

When you are done go read Midnight Sun and you will have even more information and appreciation for what is going on. The movie just doesn't compare. What is up with the eyebrows in the movie? I really don't like that at all.


I finished Twilight this morning, and was about to move on to New Moon...Are you talking about the partial draft on the author's website? It looks like it hasn't been fully published yet, just that part...which I'm gonna read before I pick up New Moon. :D


I'm curious why some are calling the books "fluffy" or "brain candy" - they're stories... not scientific research journals. They're meant to entertain - not educate. Although, I *was* roaming 'round the internet last night following some bunny trails - from vampire legends to immortality itself, which led me to discover that there is, in fact, an immortal jellyfish. biologically immortal, anyway. (The turritopsis nutricula ) ~ so I guess maybe while they weren't intended to be educational, they certainly have the potential. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm curious why some are calling the books "fluffy" or "brain candy" - they're stories... not scientific research journals. They're meant to entertain - not educate.:tongue_smilie:


I think it's because of the quality of the writing. There are other books out there that are considered "fluffy" that don't get as much flak because they're more...well-written? (can't think of another way to put that). I've read the whole series, and I just finished reading that Midnight Dawn draft because I keep thinking there's going to be some payoff in the story. The *idea* behind the books was very interesting, and there were some really great parts, but to me the bad (Bella's passiveness, Edward's condscending personality, pages and pages of Bella's redundant thoughts) outweighed the good.


I thought that Midnight Sun might be different, but it looks like she was headed down the same road as the Twilight series. Pages and pages of unending thoughts...ugh. Give me some action. Give me a protagonist that actually *does* something. I know there's something to this story, but I don't think it was very well executed, and I don't like the overall message of the series. I actually thought the film was much better than any of the books. The actress that played Bella was great....she actually gave Bella a backbone! I hope she can continue it into the New Moon movie, but I'm not sure how...Bella was a complete wuss throughout that book.

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Tragically, someone leaked Midnight sun, the partial draft, and so Stephanie is refusing to finish it.


:001_huh: Really???


Last time I looked at her site it said she was upset and considering not finishing. I was really hoping she'd decide to finish it.


I haven't read the draft because I would much rather wait and read the whole book, but if there's not going to be a book, I guess I'll go ahead and read it. :(

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I finished Twilight this morning, and was about to move on to New Moon...Are you talking about the partial draft on the author's website? It looks like it hasn't been fully published yet, just that part...which I'm gonna read before I pick up New Moon. :D


I'm curious why some are calling the books "fluffy" or "brain candy" - they're stories... not scientific research journals. They're meant to entertain - not educate. Although, I *was* roaming 'round the internet last night following some bunny trails - from vampire legends to immortality itself, which led me to discover that there is, in fact, an immortal jellyfish. biologically immortal, anyway. (The turritopsis nutricula ) ~ so I guess maybe while they weren't intended to be educational, they certainly have the potential. :tongue_smilie:


Tragically, someone leaked Midnight sun, the partial draft, and so Stephanie is refusing to finish it. I think it is much more interesting than Twilight. Enjoy it. There are worse things you could do with your time. :D


I read through it this afternoon ~ ha, people are going to think I have nothing else to do :tongue_smilie: ~ and wow. I hope she changes her mind and finishes it!

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I think it's because of the quality of the writing. There are other books out there that are considered "fluffy" that don't get as much flak because they're more...well-written? (can't think of another way to put that).


Maybe my 'bad writing radar' is broken ~ or it's possible I never had one in the first place. :tongue_smilie:


I was bugged about it being in the 1st person - a style I normally avoid like the plague - but I'm actually enjoying it. A lot. Very strange. :001_huh:


Edward's condscending personality


Heh - now for me, the more I read ~ the more I'm enjoying his personality. :D


and I don't like the overall message of the series


I'm curious what you see as the "overall message" ... ? I've only read Twilight and Midnight Sun as of yet ~ no doubt I'll pull New Moon out tomorrow ~ so I can't really say much to the 'series' .. but I'm curious what you meant. :)

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I was bugged about it being in the 1st person - a style I normally avoid like the plague - but I'm actually enjoying it. A lot. Very strange. :001_huh:


That's funny, because I normally prefer first person, but it drove me crazy in this book for some reason. :tongue_smilie: I think it's Bella's repetitive thoughts...I felt myself saying: "Yes, I get it, he's gorgeous...he's dazzling...his eyes are amber/golden/dazzling/etc...let's get on with the story!" That and the first few chapters dragging on and on with Bella going about her daily routine (I don't need to know every time she showers or changes her clothes or pouts about the weather)leads me to think that at least a hundred pages could have been cut out of the first book.


Heh - now for me, the more I read ~ the more I'm enjoying his personality. :D


I enjoyed everything about his personality except for the way he treated Bella. It seemed like he was constantly laughing at her (her clumsiness, the fact that she wasn't afraid of him) and I felt it was kind of condescending. To me, it sort of brought out the creepiness of him being way older than her. And what attracted him to her besides the smell of her blood and the fact that he couldn't read her mind?



I'm curious what you see as the "overall message" ... ? I've only read Twilight and Midnight Sun as of yet ~ no doubt I'll pull New Moon out tomorrow ~ so I can't really say much to the 'series' .. but I'm curious what you meant. :)


I think "overall message" probably wasn't the best way for me to word it. I was referring to Bella's obsession with Edward, which probably isn't the main theme of the book (I'm guessing the theme is something about "nothing can stop true love" or something like that.) My point was that the way the book is written (from Bella's point of view) we really get inside her head, and see her obssessing constantly about Edward (mainly his looks...actually, I can't recall her obsessing about his personality at all, but I could be wrong). I just think it's kind of a bad message to send to girls, especially teenage girls, who are getting their first crushes. A lot of girls read these books again and again, and I think it really taps into the way some of them think(for better or worse). Maybe if Bella actually *did* something in the story, besides get herself into trouble and wait for Edward to rescue her, or if she saw something in Edward besides his

looks, it wouldn't seem so bad to me. (It's been awhile since I read the first book, was there something else they had in common? I know she read a lot of classics books, and he was surprised by that...maybe they discussed those or something.)


I remember reading a review of Twilight awhile back, comparing it to the Harry Potter series. The reviewer said that when you compare Hermoine (who wasn't even the main character) to Bella, you can see how Hermoine is a more well-rounded character: while Bella and Hermoine are both smart, Hermoine actually *uses* her brains more...she actually comes up with ideas and takes matters into her own hands, instead of waiting to be rescued.

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Guest Cindie2dds

I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't read the whole series, but I think a lot of the "Edward constantly rescues her" is resolved very well in the conclusion.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Didn't want to start another Twilight thread, so I'm adding to this one...


I finally saw a trailer for New Moon and I am soooo anxious to see this movie!!! It's fluff, and the acting is not so great, but I don't care!!! :lol:




Just posting incase it's new to someone else, too. I didn't see it until tonight :)

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