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hand soap vs bath gel dumb question...

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This is sort of stupid, but can you use a shower gel as a hand soap? I have some shower gel but I don't like it and don't want to use it on my body. But I don't want to waste it so I thought it may work as a hand soap in a pump container. Is there a reason why this can't be used for this? I have a few that I don't like the smell much, but it would be okay for hand use. Would I dilute it?

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I can't imagine it being a problem. It may not have all those "skin softerning claims"... but it is still safe & soap.


I always dilute it b/c less $$ that way... and kids get such big pumps in their hands. By thinning it... they get a splash & it foams up great... clean & cheaper!!!

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I think it would be just fine. Handwashing is good because the soap makes the skin slippery and causes the germs/viruses/bacteria to be washed off the hands, not because it kills them (unless you count antibacterial soap but I don't like those). I think shower gel would accomplish the same end.

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