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Does anyone else worry about girls trying to grow up too quickly or . . .

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Well, you did say it made you "sick." That's pretty strong word choice for voicing a simple opinion. Sick veers over into rant territory.




I wonder how she would feel to hear you publicly airing her financial business and parenting choices.




I assure you that I have no guilt nor any personal issues. I have already raised one daughter into adulthood and am in the process of guiding three more through puberty. I am pleased with the way they are turning out. You certainly have a lot of opinions with very little experience to base them on.




Wow! I am amazed that you know so much about my experiences! I don't remember writing my family history. But I have to wonder why you feel so compelled to personally attack me and my opinion on a post for which you didn't originate and why you so care what I think. Out of 10 pages of posts, I almost feel honored. However, by your logic nobody without direct experience can have an opinion on anything. That's pretty insular. Maybe you should get out more. As for my convictions, I'd rather try to be in the world, not of it.

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