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WWYD missing vax record?

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Please don't start a vax verses non-vax discussion. Thanks! :)


I brought my 11 yo to the Dr yesterday for a checkup and they noticed that on his vax record he only has four DTaP and three polio vax. The last shots were listed as in 1999 when he was one.


He had an exam in 2003, when he would have been five, and got his last MMR. Wouldn't it have made sense to get the last polio at that time? I did call the pedi ofice in NH and they said the files would now be archived, but that as far as DTaP, back then they recommended the fith one after 10 years which means 2009. So that's fine. But the poilio should have been 2003.


I have his records from Maine and they have the box checked "up to date" under immunizations, but again the polio and DTaP are missing the last doses. So I have no clue if he didn't get these or if he did and they didn't get written down.


My new pedi doesn't want to give him the vax until we find out if he had them but the Doctors tell me there is no way to know. What do I do now? Would he have enough of the immunity with the ones he aleady recieved?

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Do the different states have different immunization schedules? We've run into this a little bit with military moving...perhaps the "up to date" in Maine WAS up to date without the the shot that is missing in your current location. Perhaps you should get the schedule from Maine and compare WHEN Maine schedules their last polio shot....if it was AFTER that appointment, it is possible your child hadn't had it yet.


Confusing, huh???

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From now on get a copy of every doctor's visit.

I always ask for copies of lab work, dental work, eye exams, everything......

They always oblidge and with a smile.

It's good to have your own records to compare results later down the line.


Does "it's archived" mean they will not dig it up for you?

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When your child was given the specific vaccination they should have noted a date somewhere on the records, with a notation of the lot number, vaccine maker etc. That way if there is a problem with a lot number of vaccines, they can track who received it and when.


I am not a doctor, just a homeschool mom, married to a non-doctor. Just know this from having our regular visits.

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When your child was given the specific vaccination they should have noted a date somewhere on the records, with a notation of the lot number, vaccine maker etc. That way if there is a problem with a lot number of vaccines, they can track who received it and when.


I am not a doctor, just a homeschool mom, married to a non-doctor. Just know this from having our regular visits.


Right. They have his MMR for the 2003 visit but nothing under the polio.

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Do the different states have different immunization schedules? We've run into this a little bit with military moving...perhaps the "up to date" in Maine WAS up to date without the the shot that is missing in your current location. Perhaps you should get the schedule from Maine and compare WHEN Maine schedules their last polio shot....if it was AFTER that appointment, it is possible your child hadn't had it yet.


Confusing, huh???


I wonder if this is it. I am going to call Maine and find out when they would have dne it. I bet you're right! Thanks!!!

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Is it possible that you chose not to do the polio that day? I've always split mmr from any other vax, because it is one that tends to have more severe reactions (though we've never seen any in our kids). Unless you were seeing an incompetant doc, my guess is that he didn't receive the vax. I can't imagine a doctor's office just forgetting to record something like that.

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Is it possible that you chose not to do the polio that day? I've always split mmr from any other vax, because it is one that tends to have more severe reactions (though we've never seen any in our kids). Unless you were seeing an incompetant doc, my guess is that he didn't receive the vax. I can't imagine a doctor's office just forgetting to record something like that.



I do split vax now and never do more than one at a time if possible. But at the time I wasn't doing that.


I did call the Maine pedi who said the polio would have been when he was 5, so 2003. NH pedi said same thing, except he was seen in 2003 and didn't get it. grrrrr.


Would having three polio give him enough immunity? I'm not worried so much about the DTaP, except I'd like him to be up to date on tetnus.

Edited by Quiver0f10
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They should be able to quickly do a titter and see if he has the right amount of immunity. We weren't sure if ds had the Ch. pox or not (when he was 2 yo). They did the test when he was 10 yo, showed immunity and he got to avoid that shot.


Yes, this is correct although I have had dr. balk about doing them. Many dr. would just give the shot again. I am glad to hear your dr. is taking a cautious approach.

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Yes, this is correct although I have had dr. balk about doing them. Many dr. would just give the shot again. I am glad to hear your dr. is taking a cautious approach.



He is very good about that and about following my wishes as far as not doing certian vax or doing them on my schedule. I will talk to him about a titter.


Thank you all!

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