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Introducing Myself

Hockey Mom

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Hi all! I am brand new to the world of homeschooling. I have three children (17y/o, 6y/o, and 5y/o). I will be homeschooling the younger two. All three went to private school last year and as the economy tanked, so did our ability to afford ps. However, the Lord has blessed us in that the private school gave my oldest child a scholarship to complete her senior year at the private school.


We will be using BJU Online Distance Learning, grade-in-a-box, curriculum. I know many are opposed to the boxed curriculum, but since this is my first time doing this, I felt I needed to build my confidence up before I struck out on my own. :)


So now I'm anxious to get my hands on it! The online sessions don't open until July 31st, so I'll have to be patient I guess.


Both of my boys play hockey, here...in South Florida. My dd played until she was about 11. Hence, my user name.


I look forward to getting to know all of you! :)

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I understand the need to do a boxed curriculum before striking out on your own. We've been hsing since the beginning, but I did BJU's K4 program our first year. It really helped me learn what I liked and what I didn't like, and exposed me to the world of schooling from a teacher's point of view.


My boys & I play Judo (except for the 3 yo, who is still trying to master the potty so he can get his gi), hence my user name :001_smile:.

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Welcome to the group! I hope your 1st year goes great. I also did the "boxed thing" when we first started, it gave me the confidence and time to look around and see what was out there. I hope you enjoy homeschooling as much as we do. This is a great group for support and advice! Looking forward to getting to know you.

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When we get going with school in a month or so, we will be starting our 12th year! Some on here have homeschooled for more than 20 years! Though there are some rough times here and there, it grows on ya! I can't imagine NOT homeschooling now! :D I started out with Christian Liberty Press 2nd grade boxed curriculum with my oldest. Like you, it helped me get my feet wet without being worried whether I was doing things right! I was glad then, and still am, that I started out that way!


Welcome, and enjoy your first year of homeschooling! It's wonderful to be able to be with your children and help them grow and learn! We'll be here, so come back if you have questions, comments, and even for bragging when things go well! :D

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