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Why does dh have to be so LOUD? Grrr.

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Normally if dh has to get up early (5am-6am) to take ds surfing on a Saturday, I'm the only one to wake up and not be able to fall back asleep. I don't like it, but whatever. Today dh had to get ds up at 7am, not super early, but it's summer and the little ones have been up later than usual and really could use the lie-in so I keep sushing dh & ds. But sure enough, they slam the door behind them at 7:45 and within 30 seconds dd wakes up and stumbles down the stairs. I tell her to go back to sleep, but of course she's away and will probably not fall back to sleep, but will just be grouchy all day. Grrrrrr.


Vent over.

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Ay, I feel you too!! My husband is so noisy!! He bangs cabinets and seems to find every single floorboard that creaks loudly. He sneezes loudly... He's a menace!! hehehe And then of course I am the one who has to be up when he wakes everyone else up. grrrr.

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It's not even just the heavy foot-falls and banging doors. He talks so loudly. This morning he was standing right next to ds and told him to put his surfboard in the board-bag, then walked up to get his shower. As he was walking out, ds responded that he didn't want to, it was a short drive, etc. So as dh is half-way up the stairs, he answers ds very loudly, telling ds that yes, he did have to put the board in the board-bag. We don't have a big house, so he was only 10 feet from the doors to the bedrooms when he boomed out his response. Argh!


Sorry, I hope this doesn't count as spouse-bashing. I'm just frustrated because dd didn't fall back to sleep, then she woke up the 5yo. Fortunately the 11yo sleeps like a rock, but the other two will be cranky later for sure.

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It's not even just the heavy foot-falls and banging doors. He talks so loudly. This morning he was standing right next to ds and told him to put his surfboard in the board-bag, then walked up to get his shower. As he was walking out, ds responded that he didn't want to, it was a short drive, etc. So as dh is half-way up the stairs, he answers ds very loudly, telling ds that yes, he did have to put the board in the board-bag. We don't have a big house, so he was only 10 feet from the doors to the bedrooms when he boomed out his response. Argh!


Sorry, I hope this doesn't count as spouse-bashing. I'm just frustrated because dd didn't fall back to sleep, then she woke up the 5yo. Fortunately the 11yo sleeps like a rock, but the other two will be cranky later for sure.



hehehe Mine does the same thing. He'll be standing right next to me in the bathroom brushing his teeth (the kids' bedroom is right on the other side of the wall) and he talks SO LOUD!! I shush him and say, "I'm right here!! You dont' need to be so loud!!" hehehe


No, I don't think it's bashing, just venting. My hubby knows he's a loco so it's nothing new. hehehehe :p

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I can relate to the loud talking. Dh will wake me up if he's on another floor! Then again, he snores just as loudly.


hehehe I have to remind my hubby all the time how far his voice carries. He just doesn't realize it. :p hehe


If you think that's bad.....I was up at 5:40 with our youngest because dh's alarm clock woke her up---he hit snooze at least 4 times. Now he's gone for work and she's up for the day....and we have a busy day ahead.


:grouphug: I feel your pain!! :(


My dh is also very loud in the morning. I want to tell him to shush but I also don't want to be disrespectful. So I try whispering when we are talking hoping he'll notice that I'm not talking loudly.


Mine doesn't get subtlety at all so I have to be blunt with him. He doesn't mind because he knows that I respect him so he takes it fine. :)

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If you think that's bad.....I was up at 5:40 with our youngest because dh's alarm clock woke her up---he hit snooze at least 4 times. Now he's gone for work and she's up for the day....and we have a busy day ahead.


Oh, I feel your pain! My dh got up at 6 am one day last week (I'm usually up at 8am) - he hit the snooze twice, then got up and showered. I didn't know, until 10 minutes later, while he's still in the shower the alarm goes off again & woke me up! I was in a sleep stupor and had to roll/slide to his side & couldn't figure out how to turn off his clock, so, with my eyes half closed I unplugged it! I couldn't go back to sleep and was groggy all day.


He still never knew about the incident until I told him about it later that night.


Dh is also very loud. He did snore, but now has a C-PAP machine, so that's a big relief for both of us!


This morning he left the door wide open, the bathroom light on (right next our room) the light was streaming in our room and he was banging around in the kitchen, just a few feet away. This woke me up prematurely and I was unable to go back to sleep. If that hadn't waken me up, his bumping the bed when he came back in to get something would have! He seems completely unaware how his actions affect us.


Also, he's a chronic periodic insomniac, so many times I am sleep deprived due to his constant tossing and turning and getting up many times.


What can you do? I just endure it. I do say something when he's too loud. Or keeps doing something that disrupts my sleep.

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