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Appendicitis or Stomach flu?

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A little background:


Ds 13 had some episodes in the fall that the doctor thinks were minor appendicitis episodes. An full blown appendicitis episode is pretty much expected from this child.


We had the stomach flu in the house about a month ago and it is going around his school where he takes some classes.


Last night, after swim team practice, ds started complaining of pain below his belly button. We first assumed he overexerted himself because the coach skipped the normal warm up, and went right into a heavy practice set.


Over the next few hours the pain got worse, stayed below the belly button but was predominately on the left side (we know from previous imaging that his appendix is on the right side). He got nauseous, vomited, got diarrhea and then seemed to feel a bit better. His pain has stayed focused on the left side but it radiates across from there.


Last night, laying on his side with his legs curled up made him feel better. Jumping, walking and sudden movements like coughing made it worse. The area was tender to touch. These signs, along with the significant pain before the nausea, are major warning indicators that the appendix is the cause.


I was calling to find out what our hospital options are at about 2am (there are new facilities here to choose from) and that is when the diarrhea hit. I decided to wait until he was good to travel, and then he seemed to get a lot better. We decided to wait until this morning unless things got worse again last night. They didn't. He slept soundly for the few remaining hours until this morning.


This morning the pain is all but gone. He is very thin and there is no swelling or distention visible. He is still nauseous and has diarrhea. Today there are no signs that this is related to his appendix.



I can take him in, but that means taking the baby to the doctors office, and I hate to take a chance on exposing her to anything else. She has been sick most of the winter, and just got over stomach flu herself.


WWYD? Treat it like a stomach bug unless his pain comes back or take him? The visit, labs and xray will cost us about $500 (we are still in our deductible stage).

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I would treat it like a stomach bug unless the pain comes back. Your description is really clear, and I would continue to keep track of today so that you do have that clear description to provide your doctor if you need to call or go in.


Keep in mind, I'm just a mom, though.

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My appendix was 'misplaced' also...so I wouldn't worry too much about the 'location' of the pain....but....


Have him lay flat on the floor....then push into the area....and release it quickly.....if the pain is worse upon the release....it is probably appendicitis and I would take him in.


My appendix had fallen between my rectum and uterus....imagine that!

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My appendix was 'misplaced' also...so I wouldn't worry too much about the 'location' of the pain....but....


Have him lay flat on the floor....then push into the area....and release it quickly.....if the pain is worse upon the release....it is probably appendicitis and I would take him in.


My appendix had fallen between my rectum and uterus....imagine that!





There is no, or very little, pain today, even if I press/release on the area. The amount of pain he does have seems reasonable for someone who has been throwing up all night. I have had him try all the various positions that are supposed to trigger pain....none caused significant pain.

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