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SOTW, MOH, or Diane Waring's audio cd's ??


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Can you please share your thoughts about these if you have used any of them?



Likes, dislikes? Pros, cons?


Preferences if you have used more than one for the same time period.


Would it be beneficial to use more than more for the same basic time period?


Did your children enjoy them? At what age?


Are they worth the cost?




Thanks so much for your time.

Edited by BlessedMom
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Can you please share your thoughts about these if you have used any of them?



Likes, dislikes? Pros, cons?


Preferences if you have used more than one for the same time period.


Would it be beneficial to use more than more for the same basic time period?


Did your children enjoy them? At what age?


Are they worth the cost?




Thanks so much for your time.


While I love the MOH books, the CD's are disappointingly dry. I love the Diana Waring CD's because she speaks lively and she is funny! My .02

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I have a different opinion...I LOVE the MOH cds, they are factual and easy to understand. I really, really disliked Waring's style...she seemed frantic and it stressed me out just to hear her...sort of in a frenzy or something. But, I like calm and order and peace :-) I resold my Waring materials in a heartbeat, but have kept all my MOH and will use them again and again. And yes, definitely worth the price. I can sometimes have my children listen to them alone if I am too busy to read, or I replay them as they work on their history notebooking, timelines, etc.

I think both are probably fantastic resources, just a style difference. Maybe you can listen to samples of each on the sites and see which 'fits' your family better.

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Guest Darla



I'm new here but will chime in also....we love all the SOTW cds; it was harder to get my children to listen to the MOH cds because it was a little more monotone (but I learned from them.) I really like Diana Waring, but would have to agree that it was hard for my children to follow her cds---I agree that she was just a bit more "frantic". Maybe if my kids were older---the oldest was is in 3rd grade at the time that we listened to them. I have hung on to all of them and will try MOH & Waring again as they get older.


I would say SOTW is definitely worth the cost, esp. for a wide age range. And the other two would be good if you were doing their curriculum along with it; we were just kind of using the cds only as supplements/enrichments while using a different spine....


hth, Darla

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Thanks for the post! I'm also debating between SOTW and MOH CD's for my younger DD. I own both books so I plan to read one and listen to the other. I'm leaning towards getting the SOTW audio because I think it makes a better story to listen to. Then we can fill in the Biblical history & hands-on activities with MOH. It's good to know the MOH audio is a bit monotone, and I've heard many times Jim Weiss is excellent, so that validates the direction I'm heading.


My older DD listened to Diana Waring's CD's this past year alongside a 1 year World History course. We both LOVED them, but for my younger DD they would be information overload. IMO Diana Waring CD's make connections and raise questions which are better suited for middle & high school.

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I forgot to add about the SOTW cds....I have these, too, and I do like them. I think your plan sounds great, use the SOTW cds for storytime, and the MOH book for lessons. I used MOH's book and CDs, and then I add in SOTW for fun every now and then. You can pick them up used for cheap, and the original set (with the female narrator) is very good. My kids prefer her reading to Jim Weiss. And, you can find them cheap!

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I used Story of the World + Activity Guide during the first time around, and am using Diana Waring's full curriculum the second time. We did more of a Charlotte Mason-style six-year rotation. Diana's curriculum is designed for 6th grade and up, and it is wonderful, outside-the-box, God-honoring curriculum. Research, delight-directed learning, and multiple intelligences make Diana's curriculum a breath of fresh air for both learner and teacher. Her curriculum is so much more than just CD's.


I have MOH and find it dry and too schoolish, or something, for my taste.

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What are the ages of your dc? Is your oldest 7? If so, then you don't need MOH (which I have, chose not to use at that age, better for 4th grade up), and you definitely don't want the Diana Waring stuff. For dc 7 and under, you're looking at SOTW, SL1 with CHOW, WP AS1 (would be GREAT for that age), MFW Adventures, etc. We did american history first, then VP. Actually, VP is meant for those ages and terrific. It's more work though, as you have to plan it, unless you get the Scholars lesson plans.


If you're feeling at all behind or like you're struggling with the basics, I encourage you to keep your history time simple. SOTW on audio goes a long way. You can pick a simple spine, like the 100 Stories book used in WP AS1, and just read that, skipping everything else. Keep it simple. There's always later to go overboard and crazy. I guilt-tripped myself a lot about hands-on when dd was little, then I realized she could suddenly do them all herself with just a year or two more on her. She's making cookies right now as a matter of fact. Don't stress now over things that will be easy later. :)

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Thank you all for sharing your thoughts, opinions, suggestions, and experiences. You have been very helpful and I am very thankful!




Could you please tell me more about the "100 Stories book used in WP" that you suggested.




Bless you all!

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Well, we kind of love them all for different reasons.

The old SOTW, not the Jim Weiss ones, we loved and have listened to over and over. MOH and Diana Waring we love because they fit in the Biblical timeline and stress that it is HIStory. Diana Waring is hands down our favorite daytime and car listening due to her engaging and exciting speaking style. For bedtime though, MOH is much calmer. Since we always have a book on tape at bedtime, this works for us. Content wise, if I could choose only one it would be MOH.

Cons of MOH, only the first two audio volumes out.

Cons of Diana, some people find her annoying, we don't

Cons of SOTW, miss the old reader even though we love Jim Weiss and secular

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