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Keystone AP courses

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Has anyone used their AP courses yet? If so, how did you like them? I've been looking around on their website and I like that the course is self-paced. I like the fact that if I wanted my dd to start the class this May in preparation for next May's AP test, she could.


If you've used Keystone, whether for AP or regular classes, how did you like it? How did your dc like it? How did it work? Was your dc prepared for the AP exam?


Thanks for taking the time to respond.

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We only have experience with the Keystone chemistry course.


Ds found it ridiculously easy. He said that he could do the non-honors part of the course in about 45 minutes per week. The honors part of the course basically involved researching something and then writing a mini-essay on it. I suppose it was good writing practice, but it didn't help him learn chemistry. BTW, this isn't sour grapes -- he finished the course with a grade of 99.?%. He just felt that it was WAY too easy.


This is our experience. I have heard others say that they really liked Keystone -- to each his own, I guess!

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Your ds's experience does help. I wonder if their AP courses would be the same? I called yesterday and the first question I asked was if their program was AP approved. It is, so I'm wondering (perhaps a little confused) about the - wait for it - "rigorousness" of the course. I asked about past participants scores on the AP test. The class is relatively new this year so they won't have scores until after the test is given in May. I suppose I'll wait until then and see what happens.


The course is reasonably priced and I really do like that it is self-paced. My dd has been doing World History I with SO this year, so I think she'd be able to move through the first several chapters easily.


Of course, I'm also considering just having her take World History II (WHI has been a great course, taught by Sandra Howard), getting a couple of good AP exam books, and having her sit for the AP exam anyway. Any thoughts? This option makes me a little nervous as I would be responsible for the written portion and as I'm not an AP reader nor a huge history buff.....


Random thoughts on a rainy Friday morning.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I was told that they are very weak. Very weak. Personally, I have no experience. This is all hearsay/anecdotal. But it's what I was told, fwiw.





My oldest ds took some classes from Keystone. The chemistry class was VERY weak. It was easier than my younger dc's 8th grade physical science class(BJU). However, the English and history classes, while not particulary rigorous, were not weak, but rather standard high school level courses,just what some may be looking for.


As for the AP courses, I have no experience with these at all, but would love to hear some feedback from someone who has tried them. I can't imagine that they would be weak courses, as AP's are standardized, and Keystone would have to keep up with those standards in their courses.

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