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Living Trust or a Will? Also, LegalZoom?

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We decided to go to a lawyer. Laws on those questions vary by state. It is so important if both of us die that everything is taken care according to our wishes that it was worth a couple of hundred dollars to get good advice and have everything nailed down correctly.

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Talk to a lawyer in your state. The laws vary by state so you need a person knowledgeable in that practice area in your state to advise you appropriately.


And, yes, talk to a lawyer. Don't do the online docs - everyone will tell you they're the same, but having someone with knowledge of the law will benefit your loved ones. Of course, I am biased on such matters! :001_smile:

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It isn't necessarily a either or situation.


Through our attorney we set up both.


Our will (and our ethical will) spells out who will care for our chidren, the specific terms of when they will inherit. (Our children will be provided with funds for educational purpose (the trust covers up to 1/2of the cost of grad schools) and basic living expenses until age 25 AS LONG AS they are in school full time, are maintaining acceptable grades, and are working towards a realistic goal which will lead them to a career. The trust covers NOTHING if the only goal is to take a minimum of classes to hang out on Mom and Dad's dime. If they drop out or flunk out they get nothing. At age 35 IF they can satisfy the trustee of the trust we have set up that they have been successful in terms of education, finding a career in which they can earn a living, and are living their lives in a manner which honors the values their parents hold dear..... they will inherit 1/2 of their inheritance. Because we believe it is possible for anyone to mess up once...they get the second 1/2 at 40.)

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We have free access to lawyers for wills because DH is in the Navy but due to time constraints we weren't able to use them this time around. We bought Quicken's will maker and had no problem making up new wills with ease. All we really did was answer the same questions the Navy lawyer asked us. After we printed them out my dh had the JAG onboard check them over and he said they looked just like what they would have done had we used them.


We've found this program to be very helpful because we always need to make sure to have an updated will before dh leaves for deployment.

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