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Am I doing enough?

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Just wondering and second guessing myself (as is often the case in most of us I think!)


For the 8yo:

30-45 minutes per day on math

30-45 minutes per day on language arts (reading, vocab, spelling, writing, copywork, handwriting, etc.)


For the 6yo:

20-30 minutes per day math

20-30 minutes per day on reading, spelling, handwriting, copywork


For both:

20 minutes 2 times per week: SOTW 1

20 minutes 2 times per week: science (apologia astronomy)

20 minutes per day: Bible lessons, verse memory, Bible study

In the next week or two we will be adding a geography lesson which will happen on the 1 day per week we don't do science or history.


We get extra curricular from outside classes and music lessons.

Also keep in mind that in addition to the above we play games during the day and I have a 1 hour read aloud time before bed each night which sometimes turns into 1 and a half hours if I include reading picture books to the 2yo and 4yo.


My older 2 girls just turned 8 and 6 in December. I guess I just feel like there should be "more" to this, but maybe I should keep in mind that my DC are still youngish...if I could add anything what should I add? Or should I just be spending more time with them on the subjects we already cover? Then again, maybe I shouldn't worry so much as they are at grade level, and sometimes even above, when I compare them to the local public school classes I have been in.

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For 2nd grade and K5, that's gobbs, plenty... You have a thorough approach and have nailed all the subjects. The way I feel more confident about what I'm doing is when I identify the SKILLS I'm looking for, my goals. And when I get that January "I'm not doing enough" feeling, it's usually because my dd has just had a growth spurt and is ready to do more. Reread the sections in WTM and see if you've met your goals, what the goals are for the next level, and where you might start to increase it just a little. Or add in some more reading opportunities. Or ask them what THEY want to study. (Maybe they'd like to learn to sew or knit?) 3rd grade was a real ramp-up for us, because the basics were in place and she was starting to do more. In fact, I'm ramped it up so much it's taken us this long just to find our stride, lol. So it's a continual process. You've been doing enough, but now they're growing and you can think about what to slowly up next.

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Daily consistency is probably better than more, especially at your children's ages. I have a bad habit of "adding" as the year goes by, but I just did a blog post with an unscientific comparison of the WTM suggested hours to that of Charlotte Mason's Parents Union Schools. I'm satisfied with where we're at after looking at them both side-by-side. :)

Keep up the good learning!

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I also have an 8yo and 6yo (2nd and K) and our schedules are very similar. My older son LOVES to read, so I schedule a quiet reading time in his room for at least 1/2 hr, many days he reads longer. I have assigned reading, and he can choose a free choice book after that.

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