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Do you plan on sending your kids to PS for High school?

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I have homeschooled one through graduation, the next will finish homeschool in two more years and then I have a third. She is a seventh grader as of today and doesn't want to go to school. SHe is my only extrovert but gets enough social interaction with soccer, swim and dive in summer, and co-op and 4h in school year. My biggest deal with schools is that we are a military family and move frequently. AS long as my dh is in the military, the most stable educational environment I can provide is my homeschool. Like this year when we moved mid year, I was able to continue their homeschooling lessons as before. Not if they had been in a school. They would have entered classes either ahead or behind based on what the new school system or private school did. Once you start homeschooling a high schooler, it is difficult to put them back and any notion I might have had of putting either of my two remaining children back was shown by the medical problems they have developed. By homeschooling I am creating the most effective system for schooling them while they go to doctors and xrays and whatnot. Even if something were to happen to me, my middle could finish high school through virtual, online and college classes and would not go to school. My youngest who is gifted in math and science may end up in school but only if we stay in an area like we are right now and she can attend the Math, Science and Technology school. That would take care of one of the biggest problems I see with PS which is bullying and losers detracting from the learning. WIth a selective school where only geeks can attend, I think those problems disappear. Other social issues could remain but those would be similar in CC too.

I don't know about schools in other places but around here the private schools match or exceed the public university cost which isn't free at all. As long as dh is public employee, I can't see us being able to afford that option since I am a non- disability receiving disabled person.

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