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Losing weight quickly and losing hair, too?

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Within the past 4 months, I have lost 30 pounds. It started with a stressful issue in my life that caused me stomach upset for a couple of weeks & I lost about 10 pounds in that first 2 weeks. After that, I started eating less and running more, and continued to lose weight. That has been good, BUT, my hair is falling out! I am taking vitamins & eat about 1200-1500 calories a day and am trying to stay at this weight and not lose anymore.


My question is: have any of you experienced this? Did your hair eventually grow back without having to gain weight with it? I don't want to lose anymore hair - it's more than what I used to lose after having a baby.



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Read the above article first... it might help. I experienced the acute kind after I had a freak car accident about two years ago, and my hair had since grown back without any fluctuation in my weight (well, actually, I've lost 20 pounds since then, but that didn't seem to have anything to do with my hair). Now my hair is starting to fall out again, but I think it's hormone-related, not stress-related, and I haven't been losing or gaining weight. Hair loss shouldn't have anything to do with your weight loss unless you have an underlying issue like maybe an iron deficiency or thyroid problem, which you might want to have checked out if you keep losing weight without trying. Congrats on the weight loss!

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