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Alg I Situation/ Credit Transcript issue

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We started homeschooling mid year prior to middle school. I just began at the beginning of the Saxon book, and so every year we finish a school year mid way to 3/4 through a Saxon Book. So currently we are on lesson 70 of Algebra I finishing 8th grade.


So if we finish Algebra I next Dec- I can count that for a credit of HS math...right? Because your dates don't really matter right? What counts is that you complete the course...comprehendo?

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Many states grant credit for Algebra 1 taken in 8th grade.

Many colleges just want to see the courses a student takes in grades 9-12--nothing before even if it was 'high school level'...


YOU can count it any way that you want!


If the student takes Algebra 2, Geometry and Pre-Calc in high school then it really does not matter...


If you have a college bound student you can always put in a casual inquiry at a college/university that may be of potential interest...just to see how they would call it...


I prefer to list the transcript courses completed in like groups (all Maths together, all science...) this way you don't have to worry about what 'year' the course was completed in!

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I had a couple of conversations with former college admissions counselors about this b/c my rising 8th grader did alg 1 in 6, geo in 7th, and is doing alg2/trig in 8th. He will also be taking conceptual physics next yr.


The suggestion I have been given is to not generate a by grade level or yr transcript but organize it by subjects and simply list all the courses completed in that category. I think that is the route I have decided to go.

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The suggestion I have been given is to not generate a by grade level or yr transcript but organize it by subjects and simply list all the courses completed in that category. I think that is the route I have decided to go.
That's what we did for both of our sons. Worked beautifully. I did include completion dates for the courses, but I did that as personal preference, not because I felt it was really necessary.
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This concept actually just dawned on me (after almost 6 years of HSing).


No one cares.




I started history with the big bang, and I'll finish with the 20th century. As long as I write:


World History 0-1500

World History 1500-Present

American History

American Government/Civics


No American college is going to flip out on me. They simply won't care if American History "bleeds into" American Government. Or if I didn't quite make it to 1500 in 9th grade (but will obviously have to do it in 10th).


They care that it is done in general, they will care what his SAT scores are. They will care about his personal essay a great deal.


Honest - this dawned on me in the shower - 2 days ago. (urg)




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I had a moment like that. I suddenly got angry that all the stuff my son did that didn't get covered in a textbook didn't get counted for high school credit. Looking back on it, I can't believe I was so blind and stupid, but... My middle one just got into college with an ungraded, undated transcript organized according to subject. As far as I could tell, they only cared about his community college classes and his interview and whether his brother (already there) was doing ok. I kept track of everything he did, and in the end, I looked at it and divided it into "courses". Each 1 credit course had to contain a year's worth of work (at least) and have an academic componant. I looked at lots of course descriptions to decide this. Then I gave them descriptive titles and put them on a transcript. I double your urg LOL. It was so obvious once I figure it out.


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