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Question about a Dolciani text I found...

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I picked up a copy (cheap!) of a Dolciani text, but I am not sure exactly what I have. The title is Modern School Mathematics Structure and Method Course 1. (No mention of algebra in the title.) The copyright is 1967. The first couple of chapters are

1. Sets and Numbers

2. Properties of Addition and Subtraction in the set of whole numbers

3. Properties of Multiplication and Division in the set of whole numbers


Any ideas of what level math this might be?



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Without seeing it, I'm guessing that this is before Algebra. The 1965 Modern Algebra: Structure and Method text I have has these chapters first:


Symbols and Sets

Variables and Open Sentences

Axioms, Equations, and Problem Solving


Of course, chapter order varies with different editions. When we switched to New Math when I was a kid, we studied Sets and Numbers in middle school (that's the age I was, but out west & in BC, it was still elementary school as jr high was grades 7-9 if you had one.) Someone else here may be familiar with the actual text you have.

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My book actually says Pre-Algebra (copyright 1970) but those are the first three chapters followed by:


Numbers, Numerals, and Algorithms of Arithmetic

Number Theory


Coordinate Systems on a Line




The Dolciani Pre-Algebra course is generally a two book (two year) program.

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I have a structure and method course two from 1972. After consulting with some ladies here we did conclude it was probably a pre-algebra 8th grade course. Sounds like course 1 would have been 7th grade material.


I found a teacher's edition to my course two fairly easily. I believe it was through Abe books or amazon.

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