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How do you choose a doctor?!?

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Dh just got out of the AF and now we have "normal" insurance. I still have no idea how this ins even works and don't really know how to figure it out. In the mean time we moved and ds needs his 2yo check up in about 3 weeks. I don't know anyone to ask for a recommendation. I feel sooooo lost!

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Last time we moved, I called my old dentist & doctors and asked for referals. The Dentist recommended a classmate & we have had great success. Doctors were a bit harder b/c I had just had my son & was walking blind.


Check with coworkers of you or DH. Do you go to a church or Moms group?


I picked a pediatrician, but quickly changed after 1 visit. Second doc was fine & we stayed put.


Good luck.

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I recommend asking around. Talk to you friends and neighbors and then check to make sure that the Dr. they recommend accepts your insurance. In our case, I ended up having to look online at the list of Dr.s in our area that participated with our insurance and then I just made an appointment, hoping for the best. So far, the family doc has turned out to be okay. It seems like a pretty arbitrary way to pick a doctor, I know.

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I have to do this since we are active duty military, still moving, but using Tricare Standard. So I look up recommendations on the internet. So far, so good for everybody that had good recommendations. In my case, my daughter's pediatrician recommended a different test when he heard that she had atraumatic fractures and that led to her diagnosis of osteoporosis. I now have her with a specialist who I also found on the internet.

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