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Is anyone here going through The Well-Educated Mind?

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This is a self-education board too. So, I hope it is OK I asked this question.


It has been fun for me this year because even though I have been on my journey to the well-educated mind since August of 2003, my kids are now old enough to join me on a part of the journey since they are in high school now. My oldest and I read many classics last year together, and my youngest just joined us this year in reading through classics of American Literature. It is so FUN to see them get turned on to literature instead of it being a chore for them!


Anyone reading the TWEM classics too?

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Back to Don Quixote again this summer. I don't know why I didn't keep up with my reading a couple of years ago because I really did enjoy the reading. Ds has picked Don Quixote as his summer book too.



It will be nice to have someone to discuss with. I tried to get my husband to read Don Quixote with me but he took one look at it and ran! I am trying to stick with the reading and draw my own conclusions from it but I so want to grab some Cliff Notes and have someone explain all the nuances to me. Finally dipping your toe into the water of literary analysis in your mid -forties is intimidating!

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Hi Carol,


I'm following TWEM. I'm reading Don Quixote at the moment. Very funny, and very enjoyable. Unfortunately, I put DQ aside for a while whilst I finished off SWBs History of the Ancient World. I finished HoAW yesterday and it was very interesting.


I'll be throwing myself back into DQ shortly, but I want a break so I'm going to look at Flatland by Edwin Abbott. I recently bought several books for my bookshelf, as a birthday gift to myself, and I included several TWEM books in my order.


There's a TWEM group on Yahoo, you might want to look at but the traffic is minimal and not much happens on it (thats why I keep coming back here).


Anyway, keep us informed of your TWEM journey, as I'm interested to hear how people are going on the same path as I.



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I'm slogging my way through Don Quixote. I am enjoying it but I may be at it a while.


I was surprised by how much I liked Don Quixote. I was really glad to read it. The one that almost killed me was Moby Dick. But I did finish. I'm pretty sure I missed at least 95% of the symbolism but I still felt like just reading it was an accomplishment of some sort.

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I am struggling through DQ myself...I am enjoying it, but I keep getting sidetracked. A friend who is getting her masters in Russian Lit is staying with us for a while, and so I started reading some of the things she is just for conversation's sake. My oldest is in 5th grade (but reading way above her level), and I am looking ahead to doing the Great Books with her. So, I'd like to get back to TWEM now so that I know what I am talking about. ;)

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