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Thought provoking questions...(help)

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These are some of my kids' questions from the last few days that I am not sure how to answer or even where to find the answers...Any ideas how to answer these things, I would love to know...


1) Who is God's father or who created God?


2)How old is God?


3)Where does he live?


4)Physically, where is heaven?


5)Why is it that water conducts electricity but if you put something electric (battery powered) in the water, it won't work anymore?


6)In outer space, what is the space between the planets and stars and stuff made out of?


7)Why are water and air clear?


I'm sure there are more, but that is what I can remember they asked off the top of my head. Anybody have any answers for me? :lol:

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I'm sorry but I am sure I won't be much help. When my then 2yodd asked me about God and where he is and how he watches over us, my explanation led her, a month later, to point out an airplane and excitedly exclaim, "Mommy, look it's God!"


I think the answers to the God questions are determined by your faith. I generally went for the simplest explanations possible then as she questioned further, answered with more complexity until she got the answers she was looking for.


The other questions can be answered through books or internet search. Might be fun for them to try and help find the answers. Teaching mine how to find answers took a lot of the pressure off me and I could just say, "Wow! What a great question. Why don't you see if you can find the answer (or if we can find the answer together)."


My dd was a perfectionist even from very early on and I thought it was important to let her know I didn't have all the answers (nobody does), but intelligent people can find the answers they need.

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Those are some GREAT questions! I would encourage the kids to google some of the later ones. My kids used search engines at your kids' ages :)


As for the first questions. According to the Bible, God was not created. He has been here from time indefinite. That is a REALLY hard concept for children to grasp. It's hard for adults! You either believe what the Bible says on this or you don't. So he has no father. Kids "get" Jesus a lot more. Though he was in Heaven first, he was born an infant just like they were. Even taking in account his pre-human existence is easy though too! According to the scriptures, Jesus was created. He did have a beginning. The God of the scriptures created Jesus and used Jesus as the master worker in order to create all other things! One fun conversation with kids is:


1) What is God's Son's name? (most people know this)

2) What is Jesus' father's name? (If they aren't sure, try Ps 83:18 in the KJV)

3) One of the first things we learn about people when we want to get to know them is their name. And in this case, it means salvation (John 17:3).


The Heaven question can pretty easily be answered. There is a difference between physical heaven and the spiritual heavens. That probably won't satisfy your children. I have a part of an article I'll PM to you (and anyone else) that will explain it better than I can. You can decide how much to share with your kids and in what way :)

Edited by 2J5M9K
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Thank you ladies, for your responses. We will have a discussion today with the kids. I love that they are so inquisitive, but I have to admit I am baffled a lot of the time.


I have tried to tell them I don't know everything and that we need to look it up, but then they think I'm pulling their leg and that I really do know, but I am just teasing them or something. Nice to have such devoted fans...haha...too bad they grow out of this phase. :)

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These are some of my kids' questions from the last few days that I am not sure how to answer or even where to find the answers...Any ideas how to answer these things, I would love to know...


1) Who is God's father or who created God?


2)How old is God?


3)Where does he live?


4)Physically, where is heaven?


5)Why is it that water conducts electricity but if you put something electric (battery powered) in the water, it won't work anymore?


6)In outer space, what is the space between the planets and stars and stuff made out of?


7)Why are water and air clear?


I'm sure there are more, but that is what I can remember they asked off the top of my head. Anybody have any answers for me? :lol:



Don't you love questions like this? With number 6, did you get into empty space and also dark matter? How far did you need to go? Number 5 is something you could get a handle on, I'm sure, and the same with the clear air and water. A good physics book is very helpful for those kinds of questions. I still remember quests like that with how fire makes light, where things go when you flush the toilet (there are some handy books on that one), how elevators work, how flight works, and many about God.


As for God, that's a tough one since He just is and always has been. Same with age; it helps a lot when they get to the point of grasping infinity. For us, we believe God is everywhere present, and at times that did cause confusion. We believe that heaven is outside of the universe, so that prevented the airplane confusion in our case.

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These are some of my kids' questions from the last few days that I am not sure how to answer or even where to find the answers...Any ideas how to answer these things, I would love to know...


1) Who is God's father or who created God? This is when I would take the kids to the priest and let him squirm-LOL. Figure he will have ready answers much better than me when it comes to questions about God.


2)How old is God?


3)Where does he live?


4)Physically, where is heaven?


5)Why is it that water conducts electricity but if you put something electric (battery powered) in the water, it won't work anymore? Easy kid language... the water causes the circuit paths to mix and short out.


This is what Dh and I did with our son when he asked similar at the age of 5-LOL. We showed him by using a 3 separate but simple circuits to light a small light bulb. Explained that electrical current flows through the wires in one direction. Showed how the circuit sets were not connected and so not in same electrical pathways. Explained what a conductor is and that water is a conductor. So when the water mixes up all the different pathways, the circuits short out. Then I started giving him books to read-LOL.


6)In outer space, what is the space between the planets and stars and stuff made out of? My ds knew this very young... I would have to look it up-LOL. I am sure there are various particles and gases but I don't know specifics.


7)Why are water and air clear? I would have to look this up to get specifics. I used to know this... but I have a memory of a sieve-LOL.


I'm sure there are more, but that is what I can remember they asked off the top of my head. Anybody have any answers for me? :lol:



One thing I learned long ago... admit when I didn't know the answers and then we would research together to find the answers. This showed the kids how to find their own answers to questions they wanted answered. And I keep lots and lots of science books around-LOL.

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One thing I learned long ago... admit when I didn't know the answers and then we would research together to find the answers. This showed the kids how to find their own answers to questions they wanted answered. And I keep lots and lots of science books around-LOL.

:iagree: That's what I do :)

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