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8th graders schedule could you give me some suggestions to beef it up.


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Here is my soon to be 8th graders schedule. I tend to change things often so I am hoping I have found some things that are to stay. I do feel like he is capable of doing things beyond what I give him. Things are quite effortless for him. Please let me know what you think could be beefed up, so to speak.


Here it is...


MUS Algebra (already doing online alg course but am making him do MUS so it is concrete)


LC1 We have already started this, having done prima latina last yr. (I know, I know he is to old for that but as a mom who was terrified to begin, if was a safe choice for me) We will also try to complete LC2 by the end of this yr.


Logic - thinking toolbox


Apologia Gen science. My fault he is behind, we started doing this in the beginning of last yr but it was me who dropped it. Starting this wk so hoping to finish by Feb so we can catch up


Lightning Lit 8


JAG (already have this but want to buy AG)


AAS (want to concrete his spelling)

Vocabulary from classical roots


History SOTW II. Going to try to assign additional reading and writing


Geography A trail guide to world geography and A childs geography: explore the holy land (loved the first book so much having him do the second also)


Explorers bible study

daily devotion

and finally reading


Oh yeah and weekly private art lessons, piano, kickboxing and juijitsu.


Let me have it ladies!! I am holding him back :001_huh:


Thanks, Erin

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I do feel like he is capable of doing things beyond what I give him. Things are quite effortless for him. Please let me know what you think could be beefed up, so to speak.


I am holding him back :001_huh:




Hi Erin,

Based on these statements, I'm going to make some suggestions.


MUS Algebra - some on this board think this is too easy, but IMHO the explanations are great. However, I would examine whether he really does need to "re-do" Algebra. There is usually review built into Algebra II.


LC I&II - I did these with my son at this age. I think they are a great intro to Latin.


Logic - Thinking Toolbox - this is fine, but add Fallacy Detective too.


Apologia General Science - Yes, it's meant for a younger grade, but my oldest dd (who is not a math or science kid) did Apologia with Physical Science in 9th grade, Biology 10th, and Chemistry 11th. That's all she needed to major in English in college. (BTW- she just got on the Dean's List) I would not try to "catch-up" unless he is interested in a college or major that requires advanced science classes for admission.


Lighting Lit 8 - sounds good

IEW -fine

JAG - why not just sell it and do AG? or do JAG and AG season 1 for this year. If you don't do JAG, you'll have time for AG season 1&2


AAS - is this level high enough? How serious are his spelling issues?

Vocabulary from the classical roots - Good


History STOWII - I would move on to something more challenging and inspiring. My 4th grader loves it, but an 8th grader needs to be introduced to the more complex issues that influence history.


Explorers Bible study - this would have been "too young" for many of my children at this age. IMHO - I think boys at this age need to be discipled by their fathers or another mentor. We need to "raise the bar" for our sons.


Weekly lessons: Does he love art? If he really likes it , I would incorporate some art history and art appreciation into your homeschool.

Does he love piano?....do the same with music, maybe add some theory if he needs it.


These are just suggestions based on the info you gave. Some may not fit your situation. I do think it's helpful to get a long range plan in mind. Look at his strengths. Look at the requirements for local colleges. A lot of people don't do this until 9th grade, but the classes he takes in the 8th grade influences his high school classes.




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Hi Erin,


I hesitate to make judgments about others' schedules, but if your son doesn't have any learning issues - it is a bit light. :001_unsure:



* LC I is an elementary program (3rd/4th)


Memoria Press makes two other programs for older learners that both start at the beginning:

First Form Latin (5th+)

Henle Latin (8th+)

I would probably use one of those


* JAG is an elementary program (4th/5th)


AG can be used as early as 6th and seems more appropriate in this case.


* SOTW 2 is an elementary program (2nd-6th)


I know some people use SOTW through the middle years, but they are generally on SOTW 4 for 8th grade, which is a meatier book. You sound unsure that you will even be adding additional reading. I would not consider SOTW 2 alone to be a solid preparation for high school.


*A Child's Geography is an elementary program (1st-6th)




Really, any program can be beefed up for older children. There are only two things I would keep in mind. 1) Will the child be bored using curriculum below his level? 2) Will the child be prepared for high school level materials next year?



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I'm a big fan of doing Algebra 1 twice, particularly when they are younger. While I like MUS Alpha-Zeta, I'm not interested in their Algebra program, so can't comment on that.


We love SOTW, but it's going to be a huge jump from doing that in gr 8 to doing a high school level history the next year. Do you have a good, grade appropriate reading list to augment this with?


Unless there is a serious problem, I would use middle school level curricula instead of elementary school curricula. You said things are pretty easy for him. IMO, kids need something challenging enough to keep it interesting without being so hard it overwhelms them.

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Hi Erin,

Based on these statements, I'm going to make some suggestions.


MUS Algebra - some on this board think this is too easy, but IMHO the explanations are great. However, I would examine whether he really does need to "re-do" Algebra. There is usually review built into Algebra II.


LC I&II - I did these with my son at this age. I think they are a great intro to Latin.


Logic - Thinking Toolbox - this is fine, but add Fallacy Detective too.


Apologia General Science - Yes, it's meant for a younger grade, but my oldest dd (who is not a math or science kid) did Apologia with Physical Science in 9th grade, Biology 10th, and Chemistry 11th. That's all she needed to major in English in college. (BTW- she just got on the Dean's List) I would not try to "catch-up" unless he is interested in a college or major that requires advanced science classes for admission.


Lighting Lit 8 - sounds good

IEW -fine

JAG - why not just sell it and do AG? or do JAG and AG season 1 for this year. If you don't do JAG, you'll have time for AG season 1&2


AAS - is this level high enough? How serious are his spelling issues?

Vocabulary from the classical roots - Good


History STOWII - I would move on to something more challenging and inspiring. My 4th grader loves it, but an 8th grader needs to be introduced to the more complex issues that influence history.


Explorers Bible study - this would have been "too young" for many of my children at this age. IMHO - I think boys at this age need to be discipled by their fathers or another mentor. We need to "raise the bar" for our sons.


Weekly lessons: Does he love art? If he really likes it , I would incorporate some art history and art appreciation into your homeschool.

Does he love piano?....do the same with music, maybe add some theory if he needs it.


These are just suggestions based on the info you gave. Some may not fit your situation. I do think it's helpful to get a long range plan in mind. Look at his strengths. Look at the requirements for local colleges. A lot of people don't do this until 9th grade, but the classes he takes in the 8th grade influences his high school classes.






I only have a couple of suggestions. Regarding the Bible: Queen Homeschool has what I think look like good Bible studies. One is "The Standard of Purity", the other is "Preparing for Spiritual Leadership." Those two studies would pretty much cover the school year, plus his own devotion times. http://www.queenhomeschool.com/bookpage/bookframe.html


Art and Music History: Check out Harmony Fine Arts http://www.harmonyfinearts.com/ She has a program specific to each grade level.


Best wishes!

Edited by Brindee
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All of your suggestions are great!! Thanks. What would you suggest for history then for middle ages for 8th grade.




I did buy A chronological history of music and its composers by Lynn Ericson (Schola Press). I was going to use that for music.




I will look at Queen's stuff today.


We already did Fallacy Detective.






Please keep the suggestions coming.




I know my son is much more capable. :001_smile:


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All of your suggestions are great!! Thanks. What would you suggest for history then for middle ages for 8th grade.



We're scheduled to do Middle Ages with 8th grade next year, here are some options we were considering...


Beautiful Feet Jr. High Guide to the Medieval Ages

Mystery of History vol. 2 (used in Winter Promise Quest for the Middle Ages, also schedules in activities and other spines/readers)

Tapestry of Grace year 2 dialectic level - units 1 and 2

My Father's World Rome to the Reformation year

Famous Men of the Middle Ages/Famous Men of the Reformation-Ren by Greenleaf with guides

WTM suggestions - outlining/narrating with spine and extra reading lists


hope this helps~

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All of your suggestions are great!! Thanks. What would you suggest for history then for middle ages for 8th grade.


Try Biblioplan- They give a list of resources that can be used by middle school students that you can purchase (some "spines") or borrow from the library.

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Here is what were are doing for my DD 8th grade next year keep in mind this is only my 3rd year of home schooling so nothing is set in stone or perfect


My Father's World ECC with 7th & 8th Sup. I realized last year she was not taught much geography in PS

She will also be doing an Quest Explorer Bible study to have her own time to dig into the Bible. This will also include Writing Strands 4.


English Easy Grammar PLus

She will do two Progeny Press guides ( at least she loves to read)

Saxon Algebra 1/2

and a typing course Mavis typing I belive that is what it is called.

She will be doing Apologia GS for the 1st half of the year and the Physical Science ( she's behind Moms fault)

She would like to also do some volnteer work at out local Alpha womens center.


I feel that this will be a good work load for us. We will also do extra things ( art, gym ect ) through out co-op. She is very excited to study the counties, cultures and the missionaries.


I see some do much more but this is a good work load for our sched. i hope this helps

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