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Talk to me about the movie "Up"

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Can I take my 5 1/2 yo DD1 to see it?


Allow me to expand... we had to take her out of Wall-E because she was screaming and crying in terror.


I let her watch Charlotte's Web, completely forgetting about Charlotte dying at the end. When I heard her sobbing, I slapped my forehead and ran back to comfort her. Bad Mom Moment. And we had read the book a month or so earlier. Lots of crying over Charlotte's death, which I had forgotten about before even reading the book. Yes, I'm a dork.


We recently read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, which she loved. So I got the (1971) movie, previewed it and found only one part to fast-forward (the freaky boat ride through the tunnel). Other than that, I figured she'd be fine. No. She was creeped out by Charlie and Grandpa Joe floating to the fan (so NOT in the book). And she sobbed at the end. When she finally collected herself enough, she managed to tell me that she thought that Wonka should have kept the factory.


So if I take her to see "Up," will I just be piling on? Or should I blow it off until she's a little less sensitive?


Thanks in advance!!

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it was a great movie...me and mine really enjoyed it. However, it may not be gentle enough for your daughter. There are some mean dogs and a definite bad guy who ends up falling out of the sky after trying to kill the main characters. Not to mention that the old man's wife dies fairly early on, but the movie does a great job of making the viewer fall in love with her from the start....so that part is kinda sad.


I wouldn't spend the money to go to the theater, maybe rent the dvd later...because it really is a GREAT movie!

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I have a very sensitive kid, now almost 8, and we don't go to the theater anymore. I took her to Wall-E and we both hated it, and before that it was a long time before we went. When she was little - 5ish - we tried and ended up leaving. It was frustrating since it seemed like my kid was the only one affected by media. But - I've finally come to embrace that God made her gentle, and toughening her up through media exposure was not a good way to go about expanding her horizons. I embrace her sensitive side and I am no longer in any rush to expose her to anything. I think about the movies we saw as kids - Herbie, The Shaggy Dog, and fun silly stuff like that. There wasn't suspense and violence and language and "situations". Frankly, I am glad we don't support what Hollywood thinks is appropriate for little kids anymore. Your DD may be different - but for us - I've learned it's best to avoid them until older. And now if we watch a video at home - I pre-watch everything and give her spoilers. The point is for her to enjoy it, not be tortured. So - I am getting off my soapbox and just encouraging you to drop the media for a while. You won't regret it (and you'll certainly have less to explain!).

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We watched it today. I was gripping DDs arm over the suspense several times and I was soaked in tears twice. :blushing: I loved it! But I would not take your DD.




.... except, I cried several more times. But I agree that your dd would not be able to handle it, if Wall-E was too much for her.

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I have a very sensitive 6yo ds, so thank you for posting this (and for all the responses!). Although dh and I would love to see it, I guess we'll be waiting for the DVD. I've learned I have to be very careful with media also. He had a scary Veggie Tales experience at age 3, and to this day, refuses to watch them! You are not alone!

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