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Need help!! I need to remove cat smell

Guest BlulkiguicS

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Guest BlulkiguicS

Sorry this might be off topic.


My cat is getting old and peeing everywhere. grrrr!


I need to remove cat pee odor from a carpet. Does anyone no a good product or household remedy to remove cat pee from carpet?


thanks in advance.



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Resolve carpet spray is our very favorite. Have you taken Kitty to the vet? Kitty may have a urinary tract infection.


On the other hand, elderly kitties can become incontinent. This usually coincides with their really slowing down, and wanting a calm, quiet way of life.


I was privileged to have the care of my mother's very elderly kitty for a few weeks near the end of her life. We found that she really loved the simple life. We kept her in a tiny room in the attic that had a low window seat, a litter box, tiny quantities of temping fresh food and water. We visited her to brush and pet her several times a day.


We cannot truly know a kitty's mind, but it seemed to us that she was somewhat confused. She really couldn't find her way around a normal sized home, and hustle and bustle was not good for her either.


It may be that it's time to make Kitty's world smaller and calmer. A single room with a window, a bed, great food, clean water and litter box may help Kitty function better.

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We used an enzymatic cleaner when DD was potty-training, I think it was called Kids and Pets - specifically designed for all forms of bodily fluids. I still keep some around in case of barf, since it was the only thing I have found that actually gets rid of the smell instead of just masking it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

We went to a local janitorial supply store and asked what hospitals and hotels buy to get urine out of laundry. The guy recommended an enzymatic cleaner originally designed to sanitize drains, but you can use it in the washer or in your steam carpet cleaner or directly from a spray bottle. Our local store sells Push from Betco. It's about 18 dollars for a gallon, but it doesn't take much (quarter cup in a full washer load, etc.)


We have two kitties and a four-year-old who gets so "busy" she "forgets" to go potty. (Well, actually, her latest excuse is "I fell asleep for a few minutes, Mom, and I tinkled while I was asleep.")(Asynchronous development strikes again!)


The janitorial supply stuff works great. We were having trouble with DD leaving her wet stuff on the bathroom floor, and the kitties feeling obliged to re-mark the territory, but this stuff gets it all out and is fairly pleasant smelling itself.

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