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Ancients Lessons Website

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I have looked at it. The lessons for Indus Valley are the best, but some of the games are more appropriate for older students. I don't know what grade levels you are looking at it for, or what you are wanting to accomplish. Are you wanting to use this site as your history curriculum, as a spine, or as a supplement?

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I went through to see where I used it and these are the websites that I have so far that are not from Usborne. (A lot of the Usborne quicklinks are very good.)


nile river: http://www.hyperstaffs.info/work/history/nixon/versions/flashindex.html


For additional information and directions for Cuneiform writing see: http://www.funsci.com/fun3_en/tablets/tab.htm



A pharaoh has died and you've been charged with preserving his body for the afterlife. Can you do it? (You may want to do the reading for the day first.)




1. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/pyramid/explore/khufuenter.html

Take a virtual tour through a pyramid.


Very interesting information about the Great Pyramid. Don’t miss it!


Compare your pyramid to other scale models.

http://www.mummytombs.com/main.mummymaking.htm Explore the many ways to carry out the mummification process for a school project.


Read the story and play the game. I think this may be the one linked at the site you mentioned.

Websites for further exploration: http://www.ancientindia.co.uk/indus/home_set.html

Go to explore. Make sure you take a look at the DK area of the lower town. There are artifacts that give some contrasting information to what we find in the books.

Since there are representations of toy carts, there is reason to believe that the figures of people were toys as well! They were made on the same scale as the toys. Maybe not every representation of a person found by archaeology is a god. There is more information on this line of reasoning at our next website: http://www.harappa.com/har/har0.html Take a look at all of the different figures that they found. There is also a realistic excavation slide show that is appropriate for older students. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/indusvalley/ Here is an activity for older students involving filling in a map and recording archaeological findings.

Website: http://china.mrdonn.org/early.html

Read the story from Ancient China. http://www.ancientchina.co.uk/time/story/sto_set. html

Read this story and compare it to the creation myth in the book.



http://www.ancientindia.co.uk/hinduism/story/sto_set.html Creation Story from early Hinduism http://www.kidspast.com/world-history/0103-aryans.php Online Encyclopedia entry about Aryans. Continue to read entries including the caste system, (the Varnas).


So, I only used it twice so far... and I have done every civilization except Greeks, Romans and Phoenicians, so YMMV. HTH

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While researching websites, I found most of them geared to middle school students. Your 4th grader might benefit more. I usually tried to put the websites geared toward older students in a gray instead of a black font. Of course, for the younger grades, teacher is perusing with the students and explaining things.

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Here is another that I discovered for the youngest students.




Decorate a Greek pot online. DD liked exploring the rest of the site as well.




Coloring pages

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LOL! I so know what you mean! I spent a ton of time doing google searches and looking around.


I have so many books to read now too. I am starting in on Greece, and I was so relieved to be done with Egyptians (and DD is still getting more books on Egypt, UGH)!


I have samples up of my curriculum for download on lulu now. I am hoping to have it ready for this fall, or definitely by January, which was my original deadline. All of those websites were a cut and past from my guide book. There will be 3 levels: Young Grammar, Grammar, Late Grammar. The booklist (which is not complete yet, btw) might help you plan for K; I have a picture book supplement.

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