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Appt with ped tomorrow. please advice!

Guest bookwormmama

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Guest bookwormmama

Hi again everyone. I am sorry to keep bugging you all but you are so full of information that I can't help asking about my daughter's eval with the ped tomorrow. It is called a developmental consult and I guess from there he will make the necessary referrals to whomever else we need to see. My daughter is going to be 5 in a few weeks. I suspect she may have ADHD. She has also been diagnosed recently with asthma.


Anyways, I am curious as to what questions I need to be asking him, what information should I bring up {I am thinking a list of her 'symptoms' and hand those to him as some of you mentioned to do}. Is there anything else I need to know or do or ask? What should I know beforehand? What advice can you give me? I know he won't be making a diagnosis or anything but I assume he will guess at what her problems could be so he can know whom to refer her to... right? I am just unsure of how this all works...


Thanks everyone,


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It will depend on your pediatrician's willingness to be involved in the process. I went to my ped. for the same reason. She asked a couple of questions but then just basically gave me a referral to a psychiatrist for full evaluation. From what I understand some peds do more than that.

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A pediatric psychiatrist will do in depth testing and be able to recommend all options including but not limited to ADHD medications. (hopefully). My insurance is trying to tell me I have to go to a psychologist, not a psychiatrist, but the psychiatrist is the one who would have the option to prescribe the medications if needed and that is who my ped recommended. My ped office said they could monitor & refill the medication (if need be) after the psyc. eval. A psychiatrist (or even a psychologist) would have more detailed specific information on brain functioning in ADHD than the ped. in most cases.

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It will depend on your pediatrician's willingness to be involved in the process. I went to my ped. for the same reason. She asked a couple of questions but then just basically gave me a referral to a psychiatrist for full evaluation. From what I understand some peds do more than that.


This is exactly what happened to me yesterday. We can't afford the $700 testing fee and our ins won't cover it. So we're going to have to go through the school. I don't know how long it will take w/ summer coming.

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A pediatric psychiatrist will do in depth testing and be able to recommend all options including but not limited to ADHD medications. (hopefully). My insurance is trying to tell me I have to go to a psychologist, not a psychiatrist, but the psychiatrist is the one who would have the option to prescribe the medications if needed and that is who my ped recommended. My ped office said they could monitor & refill the medication (if need be) after the psyc. eval. A psychiatrist (or even a psychologist) would have more detailed specific information on brain functioning in ADHD than the ped. in most cases.


I have a friend who is a psychologist (licensed PhD) and has her own practice. She employs one psychiatrist in the office with several psychologists. That way the psychologists see the patients - insurance approves of that, but if they really feel meds are needed, they can refer in office and have all the information and not have to start over. The psychiatrist can monitor meds while the psychologist remains the treating physician of record too. Find an office that has both where they work together to provide the services families need in a way that insurance will cover.


Bookwormmama, your pediatrician may refer to a developmental ped or developmental psychologist/psychiatrist. ADHD is considered a psychiatric disorder (defined by the DSM IV) along with autism and various other developmental issues that are brain related. Psychiatrists and Psychologists who specialize in these developmental areas can be an excellent source of treatment for your child. There may or may not be a developmental pediatrician in your area, depending on how large of a city you are in. If the only issues are brain related, you probably won't be referred to one. If there are other developmental issues, growth, allergies, etc, the pediatrician might go that route.

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Just an aside, have you looked at food allergies/intolerances? Asthma and ADHD might mean food allergies/intolerances. Certainly not in all cases but worth checking for.


My friend's kids went from lots of asthma meds/steroids, etc and behavioral issues to NONE once she found out their food allergies.


Diet change didn't work here but it worked wonders for my friend so I like to mention it as a possibility.

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