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Favorite Asperger books

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Hello all


I would like a list of books regarding Aspergers that speak to what AS can look like in the future, AS in adolesents as well as best overall AS info, I enjoy anecdotal stories as well..I have read Hitchhicking through Aspergers and it was very helpful...have any of you read the book from OASIS ?


thank you very much

blessed day

Clara in Miami mom to Fab 5

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This is my reading to-do list for Asperger's....


Pretending to be normal

Look me in the eye

Homeschooling a child with Asperger’s

How to Raise Your Child’s Social IQ by Cathi Cohen

Brotherly Feelings: Me, My Emotions, and My Brother with Asperger’s

Freaks, Geeks, and Asperger’s Syndrome

Asperger’s and Girls

The Complete Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome


I have not read any of the above books yet.


Right now, I'm reading Parenting a Child With Asperger Syndrome, but it doesn't have much in it that I didn't already know (mostly). I'm also reading Helping a Child with Nonverbal Learning Disorder or Asperger Disorder and it has a lot of little 1-page stories and things that are interesting, plus lot's of practical info.

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1. Released in 2008 the book by Temple Grandin has practical information for parents & teachers & covers behaviors and social issues in AS and her opinion that a lot can be trained or taught for AS people to help them function well in the workplace as adults.

Here is my book review of it on my blog that can help you see what the book is about



2. Also there is a Google Authors free YouTube video

see here


that discusses these issues a lot in this lecture, AS and Autism spectrum people in the workplace is a main theme, getting along socially and how bosses and co-workers can communicate with AS people better


Grandin has strong opinions that stricter parenting and coercing children to behave right or well in the 1960s and prior helped her and other children either with AS or on the Autism Spectrum conform to society's behavioral code. A theory is more lenient parenting in recent years OR using the label as an excuse to not try to change negative behavior (including that which may make a difference between an adult who can work and live indepenently as a result of it vs. one who cannot hold down a job due to social issues and remains dependent on society). I am not trying to start a debate nor am I saying what my personal opinion is, I am just sharing the viewpoing that Grandin takes and is present in her book and in her lectures. It is worth listening to/learning about & considering & forming your own opinion.


3. A HS mom shared this article link on a chat board for issues in an adult man's relationships & workplace, he was undiagnosed until recently when he got an AS diagnosis. article dated 5/15/09 but his AS caused him social and work problems all his life. You may find this insightful.



(The more I learn about AS the more I recognize strong symptoms in people I am related to or worked with in the past or present in paid work or volunteer work now. These people are all functioning and contributing members of society living great lives except for some social and/or communication difficulties. With those I know who are adult with AS (some in 60s), more has to do in their cases with the NTs dealing with them instead of the other way around.)



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