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Diary of Anne Frank help...

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I want to get this book to read with my daughter this year. I read it when I was about her age and was greatly impacted by it, but now I am searching the various outlets online and I see that there is a new version that is available that is different than the one I read in school. Apparently the new version has 30% more material from her diary that her father edited out of the original book. That normally would be a good thing in my mind, but the synopsis says that it shows her rebelling against her parents and writing about her own sexuality. That may be a little too much for my daughter at this point. And she doesn't need any more encouragement to be rebellious so I have two questions for the brilliant hive mind.... 1) Has anyone read the new version and the old version that can do a comparison for me?? Is the new material very graphic?? 2)Does anyone know the ISBN number for the original book??


I guess this is kind of a strange request, but I know I'm not going to have time to check the new version out of the library and read it on my own during summer and this is a book I would like to have for our own home library and plan to read it next year. Thank you all who reply for your kind advice. :)




Edited by Ibbygirl
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My dd, 13, is about 40 pages into the new version. I am skimming ahead each day. Yes, that Anne was a little teen rebel ;) and reminds me a lot of my 15 year old sassy teen girl! Small surprise, since part of the new version is material Anne herself rewrote/edited when she was 15!!! I'd look for a copy of the older version (I have one, but it is so yellow and brittle with age it is falling apart, sigh, or I'd be having my dd read it). I'd buy a used, older version from Amazon for your sensitive dd. I am sticking with the new version from the library (for now) since my dd has already seen/heard teen angst from her older sister...and I am too cheap to order a copy when I have one at home (even though it is falling apart and unusable.)


OK - I just flipped through the book...and can see why Otto Frank edited the diary before initial publication. Hit one entry where Anne is wondering how much Peter knows about what a girl looks like "down there"...and then goes on to thoroughly describe female anatomy. Go for an older edition of the book.

Edited by JFSinIL
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My dd, 13, is about 40 pages into the new version. I am skimming ahead each day. Yes, that Anne was a little teen rebel ;) and reminds me a lot of my 15 year old sassy teen girl! Small surprise, since part of the new version is material Anne herself rewrote/edited when she was 15!!! I'd look for a copy of the older version (I have one, but it is so yellow and brittle with age it is falling apart, sigh, or I'd be having my dd read it). I'd buy a used, older version from Amazon for your sensitive dd. I am sticking with the new version from the library (for now) since my dd has already seen/heard teen angst from her older sister...and I am too cheap to order a copy when I have one at home (even though it is falling apart and unusable.)



LOL Thank you kindly for your advice. I will look for the older version. I thought for sure I still had it, it must have gotten lost in a move or something as I never would have gotten rid of that book. :(

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My DS10 is doing Vol. 4 this year, and although we didn't have time to READ Anne Frank, we watched the old b&w movie of it so he could get the gist. (i really enjoyed the movie myself!).


This 1959 version:



I imagine when we go back through this era in a few years, he will be actually reading it though, and I'll have to watch out for this. Why or why do people these days think that such explicit talk is necessary to show/display/publish! Drives me wacky! I'm not uptight, but I just don't find it NECESSARY! It adds no value. Ah well....


Thanks for the heads up!

- Stacey in MA

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Anne had heard on the radio that after the war some first hand accounts could be published and was editing/rewriting her earlier entries with an eye to publication. However, it was still a DIARY and I am sure that the extra 30% now included includes stuff (like describing female anatomy,her crush on Peter etc.) that Anne herself would not have wanted published.

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We read about 1/3 of the book, but got bogged down with it (my kids are 12 and 11). The arguing, and whining, and hostility just went on and on and on. So, we stopped. I felt we had read enough to get a feel for the people, and their situation. The part we read contained very little sexual content, just that she wished she would start her period and be treated as a grown up. She was just starting to be friends with Peter when we stopped reading. I got the movie from Netflix, and we watched that.

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I thought it would be a good time to bring it up with my daughter. She has a strange fascination with Nazi's recently. Don't ask me why! hehe I got her the books of the first 3 Indiana Jones movies and she became fascinated by the Nazi Toht. She thinks he's funny because he's such a cry baby.


I figured since my daughter is close to Anne's age when she started the diary, that it might be a good time to introduce it to her. I think I read it in 7th grade or thereabouts and I know it impacted me in a BIG way. Maybe it will help balance my daughter's view of the Nazi's a little bit.:tongue_smilie:

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